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Name: SteadyRollinWalkman
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: More NSC
Date: Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Time: 12:15:03 AM
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Message ID: 254092
Parent ID: 254010
Thread ID: 253600

RE: RE: RE: RE: More NSC

>But doesn't this contradict what you say about us needing to defend others who are being killed for no reason? Pig Saddam was killing his people for the sickest of reasons - fact! So you should had been for this war, going by your past statements of who we must defend from such actions.

But that wasn't the goal of invading Iraq. It was all WMD's. I was so dissapointed in the democrates, when in the wake of 9/11, bought it hook, line and sinker, and gave Bush a blank check to invade Iraq. They, the opposing party should have thought twice. And what did we do when we toppled Sadam's Army, we secured the oil fields. We had Iraqi's coming to us saying "people are looting here" etc, etc. But we stuck to defending the oil fields.

I remember when I was just about to graduate, we were watching the news, and we saw the statue of Sadam being toppled over. Everyone in the class said, "hey, looks like the war is over." I gave Mr Fett (my teacher) one dollar for his curse jar. I said, "Are you fucking retarded? This is far from over. Just like Operation Desert Storm, we toppled his troops easily. This isn't the end, it's only the begining. Watch, you'll have insurgent groups fighting eachother as well as with US Armed Forces. It's going to be gureilla warefare, and it will last for years. Most of you will be married and have kids before this is all over."

Looking at my facebook account, I was right, most are married and have kids.

Did Sadam need to be taken out? Yes. If Clinton, or Bush went on tv and said to us "Listen, Sadam has been slaughtering his own people for far too long. His people fear him, and even his own troops are afraid of his power. We as a strong and moral nation, need to protect the innocent civilians in Iraq being killed." If that was the purpose of our war, I'd be for it. But it never was. It was all about oil, and Dubya's mentality of "Hey, I'm gonna one-up Daddy."

And my biggest problem with the Brass is, they haven't truly learned the leasons of Vietnam. Tying our forces to static defense posts with limited patrolling capabilities, relying too much on our technology, not winning hearts and minds, and relying on body counts for their war of attrition to help them judge how well the war is being fought. Their mentality is setting us up for failure. As long as their minds are in control, it doesn't matter how long we're in Iraq. We could be there for another 10 years or decades, but it won't matter. As soon as the last American boots leave the country, Iraq's security will fail, and someone worse than Sadam will take control.

After a few years of war in Vietnam, the Marines came up with a concept called Combined Action Platoon (CAP). It employed US Marines and civilians (Regional Forces/Popular Forces, often reffered to as Ruff/Puffs) working as a cohesive unit, to defend a ville and train our allies. This program was effective, we sent aid (economic, agricultural, and industrial) to those we were defending. After a few months of defense and the help of their infrastructure, many villagers afraid of enemy retaliation, started to provide valued intell about the enemy. The bond between US and foriegn civilians and armed forces quickly became tight. It was a very successful strategy, based on the Special Forces mission to lead, train, and help the locals.

Though we have a few interpreters and some Iraqi Defense troops imbedded with troops, it is not to the extent we had in Vietnam, and even then, it wasn't enough. We need to look at was successful in Vietnam (with it's insurgency) and see what worked, what failed, what had promising results, and adept our policy. Unfortunately, our brass still relies on body counts and kill ratios.

>My opinion, is that you are today fighting a war that ended before you were even born, and that isn't too healthy a thing to do.

Keno, the war hasn't truly ended. No, we don't have any US troops fighting in Vietnam or elsewhere in SE Asia, but it's citizens still endure the persecution of a war that was supposed to have ended 35 years ago. Mountagnards are on the verge of extinction because of the long held hatred of them, along with their help towards the US durring the war. Same with the Hmoung.

I also say that the war isn't over because Vietnam and Laos still hold at least 250 US POW's as of now. At the end of the Vietnam War, at least 780 American POW's were being held as collateral for Nixon's reconstruction aid. Several tens more were transferred to Russia or China (Melvin Holland, James Kelly Paterson, etc). I say at least 250 based on intelligence I've been forwarded. Don't be fooled, these men aren't stay behinds, colaborators, turn-coats, traitors, or deserters. I have reports on William Milliner (MIA, 3/6/71, Laos) still being held by Pathet Lao in September 2007!

I'm fighting not just for the Vietnam Vets, but for those still being held by the Vietnamese, and Laotians. Believe in the Vietnam War or not, these men took the oath to defend our country, to be disabled, or to give their lives in it's defense. Yet they were given every promise that they would not be left behind, dead or alive, we'll bring you back home. Unfortunately, our government is waiting for the latter. As long as one of them is being held against their will in a foriegn land, while our country denies their existance, we as a nation, are not truly free. And it weighs on my mind heavily.

We were close at times. Back in the '80's when Reagan approved Operation Pocket Change, but then led away from the thought by people like VP George Bush (ex CIA). Once again durring the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA affairs in the early 1990's (led by douche bags Kerrey and McCain). No mater how much live sightings (quite specific, many relating an actual name or place) are reported. Satellite photography showing valid E&E codes or valid Pilot Authenticator codes to a specific MIA. Even remains that prove US POW's were held long after the war, are forgotten. The issue was completely killed (in my view) after douche bag's Kerry and McCain made a mockery of the very notion US POW's were left behind.

No, I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I believe that USMC trained Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy, Bigfoot was a man in an ape suit, Lockness monster photo was toy dinosaur in the water, Roswell probably wasn't a weather ballon, but it wasn't a spacecraft. Probably a sensitive military project.

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