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Name: Keno
Subject: RE: RE: RE: More NSC
Date: Sunday, May 16, 2010
Time: 11:57:29 PM
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Message ID: 254010
Parent ID: 253971
Thread ID: 253600

RE: RE: RE: More NSC

Well, the draft durring WWII sent unwilling teenagers to war against the will of some, but we viewed the outcome justified the means.

From what I have read about that war and from what my dad told me (he was drafted and served), that wasn't even close to the case. Most of those drafted for WW2 were willing to go, unlike Viet Nam where most didn't want to go.

"Lieutenant Forster was furious.... It enraged him that four students killed in what was essentially an accident (not my words, it wasn't an accident) were becoming martyrs. He could not get his mind off the eight GIs blown to pieces the day before, their deaths to be unrecognized and unremembered by all but their families: 'I had infinitely more admiration for the brave NVA we met in the field -not the liars in Hanoi like Le Duc Tho -than for anyone who demonstrated.'"

Yes, but how did he feel years down the road? That was my point. Plus, this guy was "enraged" because it was clear to him those eight GIs blown to pieces died for nothing, nobody cared about them in his eyes because most people in the US knew they weren't really fighting for the defense of the US.

Keno, do you remember I was AGAINST the war in Iraq?

But doesn't this contradict what you say about us needing to defend others who are being killed for no reason? Pig Saddam was killing his people for the sickest of reasons - fact! So you should had been for this war, going by your past statements of who we must defend from such actions.

I've only been able to recently get time to post on Gasland (other than my research, I've been busy caring for a friend who I felt was at risk. He committed suicide a few months ago. Despite everything I tried to do for him, and constantly trying to get him help, he went into a dark place I couldn't pull him from),

Sorry to hear that, suicide sucks.

I lost several friends last year, way too many. Among them, one was also a suicide - Stu, my old next door neighbor of 16 years, and the dude who build my new house for me. He was in pain for the last few years and decided to put a bullet thru his heart and end it all, just 3 weeks before his 60th birthday. The sad and weird thing, was his birth date was March 17, the very same day my best female friend, Helen, was also born on. Helen also died last year from respiratory problems, just two weeks before Stu killed himself. She was one of the 4 friends who was in the front row with me to see the Stones in New Mexico in '97. She was still a teen and one of the first people I met when I moved to Colorado almost 35 years ago.

I know the truth. I see the truth whenever I visit the Vietnam Wall. I hear it whenever I talk to an ARVN, or refugee. Agree with me, disagree, you're entitled to your opinion.

My opinion, is that you are today fighting a war that ended before you were even born, and that isn't too healthy a thing to do.

Ok, we'd better stop this thread before someone brings up circumsition and someone leaves the board forever!

Don't get me going on that! But at least we are wining the war against circumcision today in this country - big time, other than in the south (and in the east some what, too), were it still happens way too often. But out here in the west it is now a rare thing (just like it is in the rest of the world).

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