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Name: Keno
Subject: RE: Total Stones Content, and MT talk, too
Date: Friday, January 29, 2021
Time: 11:10:36 AM
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Message ID: 320852
Parent ID: 320851
Thread ID: 320840

RE: Total Stones Content, and MT talk, too

As you and most long time lurkers here should recall, I was one of the few Gassers who still loved all of the new material the Stones put out, no matter when it came out. I loved the Bang LP. Yet while I liked their last LP, that Blues album - and always wanted them to make such an LP, I was deep down disappointed overall after it came out, too, since they didn't play the blues in the way they been playing the blues since 1962. The played them on that new LP in a totally different way, with an upbeat tempo, which IMO, wasn't great or what I wanted to hear. I wanted a album of blue songs recorded in the way they always played the blues, like how they did "Love in Vain", and "Little Red Rooster", but what we got was nothing like that at all. So right there was perhaps, the one and only time where they did change their music around a bunch and I didn't care for it too much. I wanted to hear an old time Stones blues sound and that wasn't what we got.

I think part of the problem on that LP and perhaps overall (getting to what you are writing about here about their modern day sound) is that they no longer have Mick Taylor or Brian Jones in the band. Nothing against Ronnie, but those 2 guys being long gone is what is lacking in the band today. I think with their blues LP, both of them were sorely missed. You could barely hear any slide guitars on that LP (other than for that one song Eric played on). Why the hell didn't they bring back MT for that LP? They could have had Taylor back in the band for good a few years earlier, on that one tour where they had him on as a guest - and totally misused him and his talents. That tour (the 50th anniversary tour) was such a disappointment as far as MT went and how they totally misused him. He should have been up on stage for every damn song, and if they had to only allow him to play on 2 songs per show (like they did), they at the least should have had him playing on songs he recorded with the band, and as you might recall - they didn't do that at all! One of the stupidest things that they ever did in misusing somebody and wasting an opportunity for something great to happen, since deep down the Glimmers didn't want MT back and weren't gonna allow their fans to see him play with them for real. I always said and still believe to this day, that if you only ever saw MT play with the Stones on that one tour only, then you still never saw the Stones play with Mick Taylor live, since what they played on that tour with MT was nothing but total BS.

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