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Name: Keno
Subject: Growing weed (NSC)
Date: Tuesday, September 08, 2015
Time: 2:07:42 PM
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Message ID: 297496
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Thread ID: 297496

Growing weed (NSC)

It seems dead here of late, and with the Stones not doing anything new for so long, I got nothing to add myself that's Stones related. So it's time for a NSC post I guess.

Maybe “nsc” is wrong to note in the subject field for this, since it was both the Stones and Beatles who got me interested in marijuana in the first place, back when I was a kid. But anyway, I first grew weed when I was 16. I was still living with my parents back then and my friend Brian suggested the 2 of us grow some weed since the pot you got back then always had so many seeds in the bag it came in, and we had the best weed connections as it was, so we knew we should be able to grow some good stuff from the seeds we had. So the 2 of us started to grow marijuana in our backyards. I planted mine among the veggies that my parents were also growing, but I was the one who did all of the watering/caretaking of the plants anyway. Brian’s weed didn’t do so well, as he just didn’t care for his in the way I did mine. But damn did my plants take off big time! In fact they grew much larger than I expected, and by late summer I was afraid the old man from the electric company who read the house’s meter once a month might notice what I was growing. But what I had going for me was that most elders back then didn’t have a clue as to what marijuana looked like in those days.

I recall the week before the harvest, it was mid or perhaps late September, and my parents had this 2 week vacation planned, so that was when I planned to harvest the weed and dry it out in the attic of my house, at that time. But that weekend before, my Uncle Harry was visiting and he was in the backyard. He just kept starring at the marijuana plants and I just knew he was gonna say something! But it was just the 2 of us out there, dad was inside the house, and after a long hard look at the pants, and to my relief, he just walked away saying nothing to me about them.

After I harvested the plants, holy shit, the weed was as good as anything I had ever smoked! Plus I had so much weed to share with my friends, as I was no dealer, so I just gave a bunch of it away. But this homegrown was so damn good, that one kid claimed that I had treated the weed with something bad since we were getting so high off it, but of course, it was just great homegrown weed and nothing more.

Funny, but after that, I never grew any weed again (other than one single summer in the early ‘80s when my wife grew us a small batch while living in Telluride of all places, where the growing season is the shortest in the country!)… But the fear that it would either be stolen or I’d get busted was why I never grew it again. It wasn’t worth the worry to me. Then this year came around…..

Weed of course is 100% legal here where I live, and it’s been legal for around 20 years now - for medical use anyway, and for all use for about 3 years now. Yet I still never grew any more weed, not until this year. My son-in- law was why, he talked me into it. So without a medical license (I let mine expire after it became legal for all use), you can grow 6 plants per adult, and I got 5 plants growing. I see now that after so many decades since I last grew any weed, that I haven’t lost my touch one bit, either. But damn, it is a lot of work if you want the best plants. I’m half growing them inside and outside, that is, they are in pots, not in the ground, so at night I bring them inside and during the day they are outside. But when you do it this way, you got to move then around so they get the sun all day long. My son-in-law’s plants aren’t anywhere as good as mine, since he doesn’t move his around like I do, nor water his plants the way I do. I don’t use any tap water at all, I only use water out of the creek down the street from here, and damn if yesterday while filling my 5 gallon jug, did I rip open my left arm on the old wooden foot bridge I lay on when I collect the water… ouch, it still hurts right now! But 3 of my plants are in their final budding stage (the other 2 I’ll try to grow inside thru the winter) and last week I cut off a small bit to see how good it was. Holy shit! It’s as good as that weed I grew when I was 16! Well, at least the one plant I tried is! I got 3 different kinds of weed that I’m growing in the 5 plants that I have.

But the biggest difference in growing weed today compared to back in the old days, is it’s totally legal, I don’t have to worry about the meter man, my Uncle Harry (who long passed away anyway), or any cops busting me! But I still worry about somebody stealing my weed, in part since it ain’t in the ground, although these plants are so big now, that’s not likely to happen.

I guess I also worry about my 15 year old grandson who lives with me, wanting to try my weed. They say here in Colorado, that pot use is actually down among teenage kids in the state since it became legal, as it’s actually harder for the kids to get their hands on it now that there are fewer dealers on the street (if they would just lower the tax rate on weed the dealers would totally disappear!). But that’s not the case in this small, antiestablishment town that I live in at all. All of the teen kids here seem to smoke weed. Plus I flat out know more than one parent here who let their preteen kids smoke weed, and to me that is just plain out insane to allow, and for more than one reason. I really do believe the world would be a better and safer place if most adults on this planet used weed, but at least wait till you’re an adult and your mind and lungs are finished growing before you start.

I started to smoke marijuana regularly at 15 myself, and I wish now that I had waited a bit longer before I started, but like I noted, my 2 favorite bands were doing it and singing about it, so they got me and my friends to do it, too. Rock music does lead to some kids using drugs, I know that for a fact. But my grandson still hasn’t even ever tried smoking weed yet and he has no plans to do so any time soon. The boy is actually anti weed at the moment. So we had a talk the other day while driving back from his mom’s place, as he brought it up to me, asking me if I would date a girl who smoked weed. The question seemed funny at first to me, since he knows I smoke and that his late grandmother smoked, and his mom smokes. So I was honest with him and told him I preferred that any close girlfriend of mine smoked, but that shouldn’t apply to him since he’s under age. But then I asked him why he asked me such a question. Seems that he’s the only kid his age in school, and in town, who doesn’t smoke weed, and it isn’t possible to have a girlfriend his age around here who doesn’t smoke weed. My grandson has had a slight case of asthma since he was about 12 or so, and for the last few years we have big time tried to tell him that he can’t ever smoke anything, ever, even when he’s an adult, because of his lungs being messed up. So far the talk has worked, but I wonder for how much longer it will continue to work. He’s at that age now, and he’s big time into girls, and all the girls here his age smoke weed. So I worry about that, I’ve always been a worry wart with my kids anyway. But no, my growing weed here doesn’t make him want to smoke, that’s clear; but I also know that his peers will get him to try weed sooner or later. I just hope when he does cave in and tries it, that he will take my advice and at least not smoke it and instead take advantage of the many other means available to use it with.

But living in a state where it’s been legal to use, buy, and grow for so long now, it seems strange to me that in most U.S. states you still can’t do that and you can still end up in jail over this harmless plant. I guess it’s only legal to use for recreational use in 4 states today, with a bunch of other states getting ready to vote on this issue in the next 2 years. But I have to think what is wrong with these other states; the people need to keep speaking out on this. Hard to believe that where I grew up in NY it’s still totally illegal to grow. NY is a liberal state, so why is that? It’s because of the backwards laws they got on the books there where the people can’t vote on stuff like that, they leave it up to the clowns in Albany to vote on this stuff, which is totally wrong. Let the people decide, and not the antipot bozo governor that they got in office now.

Anyway, getting back to my growing weed here, for next year, I plan to do what most of my neighbors are doing and build a greenhouse to grow them in. That will take away a lot of the work that I’m going though now, and protect them during the cool summer nights we see here, as even on the warmest July nights the temp still drops into the upper 40s (F) here on average. But I should have one nice toasty fall and winter season ahead, thanks to the homegrown I got going now. Guess I’m feeling the need to put on that Neil Young song from American Stars and Bars, the one about growing weed, about now! "Homegrown is a good thing, plant that bell and let it ring!"

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