Gasland/Let It Loose

- Salt of the Earth -

A Keef Urban Legend
by Gimme Shelter
(April 2005)

I just read the bio on Keef at of all places and there was something in there that kinda shocked me and further solidified my theory as Keef being Indestructible. Anyway apparently in the 70's Keef was awake for 9 days straight and when he finally fell asleep, he fell asleep standing up. Which led to him falling over and breaking his nose on a amp. Anyway my point to this is does anyone know more about this or is it pretty much straight drugs for those 9 days.

Cousin Cocaine

If its true, it's probably all drugs. I know I have read that some other place, though (and not IMDb), so it wouldn't surprise me if it was true.

Mr. Jimmie

I think I remember reading that in Bill's book also. Or maybe it was just a quote of Keith refering to it when talking with an interviewer, something along the lines of "Do you have any idea what it's like to stay awake for 9 (?) days? Time turns itself inside out." Apologies for any grose mistakes in that!


it is not physically possible to stay awake for nine days. your brain would shut down and you would most likely be dead after like 6 days. nine days is outside the realm of possibility, even for a demigod like keith.


I've seen people go that long on speed... Their psycho and boardering on psychosis, but 9 days is not impossible. the other part about him passing out and bsuting his nose, I'm not sure if I get it, Keith was into heroin as we know and lots of coke, but you would need tons of speed for a 9 day bender... Just an FYI, you don't sleep well on heroin, you nod out in a dream like state and slip in and out of semi consciousness, but it's not sleep. I'm thinking Keith just nodded out and fell over, I've seen the local dope fiends do the great standing nod, it's a thing of beauty, it really is. feet on the ground and back bent so the person is in the shape of an "n" almost. Seen a few go down, but most recover before the fall.


Keith claimed himself that he went nine days once. At another time he claimed that he fell asleep standing up in the control room of a studio, and fell into a speaker and broke his nose. I don't think it was the same time as when he went nine days. And Keith does exaggerate some things and plain make some other things up. For instance, he claims when he first met Muddy Waters, he was painting the ceiling at Chess Studios for money because he wasn't selling records at the time. Marshall Chess insists Muddy never did handiwork at Chess.


don't think you should take what keith say's as gospel..

i don't think he said 9 was i was up for a week..

he and anita used to do that a lot back in the day...

mick taylor, bill wyman and others hated that.. when keith would crash he sleep for a week too..remember when he was busted in toronto in 1977...the police had to slap the shit out of him because he wouldn't wake up..or couldn't wake up!

that was keith... he even stay up for days with brian jones playing guitar in the early 60's without sleep..

he worked hard played hard...but who cares if it was 9 days or 6 days or 3 days..he doesn't care!

on his point about m.waters... again, all he was saying is that he was doing nothing..he was right..the black artist were ripped off left and right and because they weren't given the money that was owed to then a lot had to work at any job to bring in a pay check... so keith point was hear is this god painting ceilings or carring out our bags...look at johnnie johnson..never paid many of them couldn't read so their old record companies never even paid them for their past records.. or if they couldn't find them they would pocket the, after a court case, they have to hold the money till they can be located..

p.s. the rolling stones and the beatles, helped turn around the fortunes of many of these poor black singers/ was just that the stones still help them and keep their music alive!

give keith a break...none of us could do what he has done and still is doing..and he is over 60!

Cousin Cocaine

I read an article about a guy who had been doing speed in order to keep up with his work, he said he'd more or less been awake for 30 days or so. I find it hard to imagine 9 days would be impossible.


Anybody who claims they stayed up for 30 days is full of shit, it can't be done even with drugs. Nine days, I'm not sure, maybe, you would have to ask a doctor if doing speed could keep you going that long. I myself stayed awake once for three days with no sleep at all - and no drugs, either. I don't think I could have made it to a fourth day, but with drugs I could see one doubling that. But shit, even going 2 days with no sleep is bad for your body. A few years ago I was into doing that once a month, but no more.


When I was doing drugs I pulled a few 3 or 4 days w/o sleep, not much more. That always fucked me up bad. Speed is really bad shit. Next to alcohol and nicotine it may be one of the worst things you can put into your body. At least booze if not abused isn't so bad. I've met, and believe many people who've claimed to go a week or more, i beleive them. It's not like they were trying to impress me, it was just simple matter of fact shit. Nowadays, I miss a few hours of sleep and I'm a mess...

Bobby Keys Tee shirt

Keith mentioned that in an interview. Anything's possible however unlikely with the stuff they were doing back then. He's still ticking...

Five Things I Love About The Stones
By Tommy (January 2000)

1: WYMAN’S BASS-PLAYING ON “SUMMER ROMANCE”: Of all Wyman’s great bass-playing, this is the one that kills me every time. He does nothing like a traditional bass player on this track. During the verses, instead of playing along with the kick drum, he plays along with the snare, creating an off-beat tension. On the choruses, when a normal bass player would “put the hammer down” and “rock out”, instead Bill hits one simple note, and lets it die out, then plays a curly-cue of fills as Charlie brilliantly doubles up on the kick drum, creating more tension and release than he would have otherwise. The song is practically a museum of beautiful off-beat Wyman fills and runs. He almost never plays the same thing twice; it’s one understated, off-the-cuff, fill after another. You can almost see Bill stifling a yawn, holding his bass neck straight up in the air, as he casually tosses off brilliance with the diffidence of a man who’s forgotten more about three-chord rock than most musicians ever learn.

2: BRIAN JONES: Brian was the first bottleneck blues guitarist in England EVER. No less an authority than Alexis Korner said so. Bottleneck blues guitar didn’t exist in England until Brian Jones. And he figured out how to play it all by himself. There were no internet tab sites, no guitar magazines with lessons in the back, no Muddy Waters songbooks in the stores, nothing. He was the first and in many ways, the best. Mick Taylor beats the pants off Brian in terms of technique, but in terms of emotion, Brian is the man. And he saved his best for last. The bottleneck slide on “No Expectations” is the sound of a broken heart. It’s beautiful, exquisite agony and every bit the equal of anything Robert Johnson ever did, which is about as high a praise as I can give. It’s ironic that Brian, who was tortured by both wanting to be a blues purist and knowing he’d never be a black man from Mississippi ever, and could supposedly never get to that deep place those old blues cats came from, in the end, he GOT there. There’s not a note Muddy Waters ever played that’s any more soulful than Brian’s playing on “No Expectations.” We were talking about songs about Brian a few posts back. In a way, “No Expectations” could be about him, if only accidentally. “I’ve got no expectations to pass through here again”, Jagger sings. Brian never did. He was a monstrous, tortured talent. And he also founded the band we all love. No Brian, no Stones. He is missed and loved.

3: KEITH AND RONNIE ON “RESPECTABLE”: It wasn’t until I was a college junior, listening with headphones to this track for the first time, that I realized that the lead guitar in the intro wasn’t one guitar, but two! Ronnie (I think) plays a two-note sting first, then Keith (I think) finishes the phrase for him with a cluster of notes that epitomizes the idea of four hands/one guitar. This is beyond “weaving” and qualifies as sheer telepathy. It’s a miraculous moment.

4: MICK JAGGER: About ten months ago, I had an interesting opportunity to see what it feels like to try and be Mick Jagger for five minutes. We have a band in Nashville called the Long Players. Each gig, they take a different classic album and play it in its entirety, with guest lead vocalists on each song. Last September, they did “Let it Bleed” and I got to sing the title track. I got up onstage that night with the band and was determined to “be” Mick as authentically as I could be. I sang full-throated with my mouth a few inches from the mike, like he does, I clapped my hands to the side of my head like does, and when I wasn’t singing, I danced, waved my arms and clapped my hands over my head while I swung my hips. I did the whole Mick bit. And at the end of it, all I could think was “Thank God it’s only one song!” I was DEAD-dog tired! Wiped out! After just one song! How that man does what he does for two solid hours is beyond me. I’ve seen hundreds of rock bands and, in terms of sheer physical exertion, the only two people I’ve seen even be competitive with Mick are Bruce Springsteen and Warner Hodges of Jason & the Scorchers. No one else is in the ballpark.

5: CHARLIE WATTS ON “NEIGHBORS”: If you’ve ever heard the bootleg basic track of “Neighbors”, you know that everybody comes in playing from the get-go, quite loudly and messily too. Bob Clearmountain (or whoever mixed it), wisely stripped it down and let’s the instruments come in one at a time, and that lets us focus on the simple brilliance of Charlie. How can one man play a part so simple and make it so catchy? His kick drum work is such a wonder. He’ll just lay a solid beat down and, every now and then, sneak in an extra kick drum beat that just pushes the song so rightly that it makes your butt want to shake and your head want to bob.

And just as a person, from what we’ve seen of him, he’s a marvelous example of a true human being. There is a Biblical admonition: “He who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” That’s Charlie, the man who never sought the spotlight, never cared for fame, never shagged a groupie and somehow winds up getting the biggest ovation from the audience every night when the band is introduced.

And that’s five things I love about the Stones. What’s your five?

Nothing Blues


1. EXILE ON MAIN STREET Simply the greatest mess of a rock and roll album ever made. If SGT PEPPER is the sound of a great studio album, the EXILE is the sound of a great rock and roll band recorded in a studio.

2. LOVING CUP Perhaps one of their finest songs, and one so often overlooked by casual fans.

3. LONGEVITY...Year after year, people crack jokes, moan about ticket prices, and bitch about the Stones. A lot of it is well deserved. The Stones go overboard with a lot of the props and staging. But you know what? In spite of all this, whenever they get out on the killing floor, whether it's in a club or stadium, they still deliver the goods like no one else.

4. KEITH RICHARDS..the face of rock and roll, warts and all. Never did like my rock stars air brushed.

5. CHARLIE WATTS. To say anything else would not do the man justice.

Pavlov’s Dog

Five things I like about the Stones;

1. The Glimmer Twins; never ever will you find a better song writing team than Jagger/ Richards; not Lennon/ McCartney, not leiber/ Stoller, not Rodgers/ Hart. True they have written lots of throwaways but also lots of gems. Lyrically the songs are always interesting and the music has an organic rhythm and propulsion that makes a medicore Stones song listenable. Also combined they exude a perfect balance of cynicism/ boyish charm and decadent sleaze/ consummate professionalism. They have weathered storm after storm for 44+ years and show no sign of letting up.

2. Mick Jagger. True he screeches sometimes, true his falsetto takes some getting used to, true his accent oozes out thickly sometimes but no one in rock music can convey the sublety, nuance and sophistication or emotion without ever sounding corny or trite or phony or effete. Furthermore his persona is one of a kind. I can honestly say that the Mick of 1969-89 is the only man that I have ever felt is sexy. It looks wierd to put that in type but it's true.

3. Keith Richards The man should be dead or in prison yet he goes on and on. His guitar sound says F*** You with every chord. He brought Chuck Berry tempos and drive to Brian Jone's blues band. Later he dragged the band through Country and Reggae all for good effect.Keith IS Rock and Roll.

4.Charlie Watts. The Rock, the very substratum upon which the Stones are built, anunfazeable human metronome.

5. Everything else about them; Mick Taylor's world class blues rock guitar,Brian Jone's musical genius, their albums, singles and movies,the Tongue and Lips Logo, their fans,the bootlegs, the memorabilia, the books written about them, the fan websites and the whole aura surrounding it all.


As always Tommy, you post is an excellent read. I especially liked your thoughts on Brian. I don't have the time now to go into detail on 5 things I love about The Stones, so I'll just list them.

1. Mick Talyor's guitar work on Brown Sugar from the Brussels 73 boot. Someone mentioned this in the Taylor thread below and I couldn't agree more how amazing it is. His work on Midnight Rambler and YCAGWYW are talked about more often from that performance, but his (slide?) guitar just makes Brown Sugar.

2. Udercover Of The Night - The last Stones masterpiece. They successfully update their sound for the 80's MTV crowd. I know Mick always wants The Stones to have a current, contemporary sound, but this was the last time I felt they were totally in synch with the times. You can put on Duran Duran (whatever you think of them, they were friggin' huge at the time) right after this song and not skip a beat. They turned 40 right after making this record, coincidence?

3. Still Life - My favorite Stones live album. Ya Ya's is just a little too doctored, and LYL is really lazy minus the incredible Mocambo tracks. Still Life sounds great and I still play it even though I have several boots from the tour. I like the economy of the track listing, and I think the choices were gutsy. It's just a really fun record that livens up any party.

4. Marianne Faithfull!!!!!!!!!

5. Not leaving Stanley Booth behind on the helicopter out of Altamont. He was the last one on. It was overcrowded, and you can see how wobbly it is taking off in Gimme Shelter, but they didn't strand him. We always hear how ruthless The Stones were, so I've always thought it was cool they didn't forget the writer who had been on the whole tour with them.


RE: Bill, FPM & Brian


You know, I never paid attention to that song to really hear Bill, now I'll have to dig out the album it's on to see what you mean. I would not mind knowing what our Monkey Man (the flea bitten one) thinks of it, since he is as true a stones fans as anybody here, he plays bass, and he don't dig Bill too much.

>2: BRIAN JONES...........The bottleneck slide on “No Expectations” is the sound of a broken heart......

Very cool on what you wrote here about BJ and the song NE. Last week I was playing a boot from the Beggars sessions and on one take of “No Expectations”, BJ added an extra tang to the slide that I wished they had used on the final cut. But still, yes, was a great bluesy slide!

Exile fan

For me, it's hard to break it up into 5 things because when I think about why I like them, it all comes down to them being different (but better) than all other rock bands in the history of rock. I'll try my best to break it up so you can see my point.

1. Mick Jagger. Different because no one has energy like him. Also, I've seen a lot of bands perform songs live, (not actually live just on video) and many of the singers just stand there or if they do move around, they end up doing something stupid or corny. But when Mick Jagger does something on stage, it always seems cool. Also, I am a completely heterosexual guy but sometimes you just have to admit that he IS sexy.

2. Keith Richards. Before I had ever listened to the stones, most everyone's modern rock guitar sounded the same, just a screeching, distorted heavy metal sound. And I thought that was what a rock guitar sounded like and I never thought anything more of it. When I started to listen to classic rock it sounded only a little different. Then when I first heard Keith's guitar, it opened my eyes to a whole new dimension of guitar, which changed my view on how it can sound, and how it can be played. I still get an adrenaline rush when I hear the opening few seconds of Satisfaction, Brown Sugar, Angie, and Start Me Up.

3. Charlie Watts. Different because he converted from a jazz drummer to a rock superstar. He was probably the only one to ever do that, and probably the only one that ever will. His jazz roots are what make him so good. Enough said.

4. Mick Taylor. Different because of his style of playing. Again, enough said. If you have ever studied his work, and compared it to anyone else, you can see what I mean. There isn't a soul in the world that can mimic Mick Taylor.

5. The stones' music cannot be labeled as alternative rock, progressive rock, indie rock, folk rock, country rock, punk rock, pop rock or anything else except simply Rock 'N' Roll.


1. They got me through my adolesence identity vs identity diffusion thing. I knew who I was, a Stones fan.

2. They let me know I would not find that perfect love, that I dreamed about that I read about. This helped me lower my expectations so I could deal with girls as a reality, not a fantasy.

3. They let me know life just gets harder and harder... And gave me the tools to deal with it...sweet cousin cocaine and sister morphine (a long time ago) Now I know we are always suffering... and can deal with it. Let me shout out "whew!" with 80,000 people

4. They helped my put all these things together and develop a personality that if not exactly defiant, was able to take the ups and downs with a sort of calm. Helped me form the jaded don't give a fuck attitude of a true rock and roller.

5. Sang "Under My thumb" and "Time is on my Side" when I was a kid and girls were breaking my heart. Gave me confidence when I needed it. Sometimes I'm sexy, move like a stud, Kicking the stall all night, Sometimes I'm so shy, got to be worked on, Don't have no bark or bite, alright.

Hey girls, what you doin' tonight? Now do you want to dance, or do you want to bite?

6. Now as an adult I can say I lived the life. I can see objectively...we all need someone to lean on,


I can't pinpoint 5 things, that's just impossible to me. But I have to say music keeps me alive, without it I would be totally insane and surely would have committed hari kari by now! And, with all the music I love, I do love the Stones the most! I can entertain myself playing Stones songs all day, actually I do quite often, they make me want to get my guitar and say to myself...what did keef or brian or mick T or Ronnie or Mick do right there...was it this or was it that or just what was it, and usually I get pretty close and I'm in my own little Stones nirvana for a while. They just make me happy, pardon the pun, I don't know any other way to put it, they just make me feel GOOD! And I like that, love it, yes I DO! They just make GREAT MUSIC! Pure and simple, that's it, they make great music! The blues roots are always there too, incorporated in their sound, most great modern music has blues influence whether anyone realizes it or not. But guess what, I bet Mick and Keef realize it!


1. THE WEAVE. When Keith and Ronnie have it going, it's going. Best example of this, IMO, is on Miss You from Lexington Kentucky, 1978. One riff finishes up, and another lays in on top of it. Listen to this on Handsome Girls on the headphones, you'll get the idea.

2. COUNTRY SONGS. They do country better than country artists. Country Honk, Sweet Virginia, Far Away Eyes. FAE is a parody of a country song with humorous lyrics, but it catches the sound perfectly.

3. CHARLIE. The human metronome. In the end, its all about the beat.

4. SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL. I've said it before. The crowning acheivment of western civilization, not limited to music.

5. SURVIVORS. They are the ultimate survivors, have been through it all and are still the greatest rock and roll band in the world.


<<What’s your five?>>

If it is just love and not any ranking or order, here goes:

Let It Bleed - It is my favorite album from the 60's. Some days, I really love Beggars Banquet... but I always come back to Let It Bleed. I absolutely love Monkey Man, YCAGWYW, Gimme Shelter and Let It Bleed. I also like Country Honk, but HTW is my favorite Stones song period. Never been a big fan of Rambler, however I have grown to appreciate it much more when it is done live.

Sticky Fingers - It is my favorite Stones album and my favorite album from the 70's. Sorry to disappoint all you Exile fans but this album is solid... begin to end. There isn't a weak song on this album, so I won't even listed my favorites. They are all that good!

Tattoo You - It is my favorite album from the 80's and a good all around album. Yes I know it has many left-overs from earlier sessions in the 70's. However, I remember when the album came out and I was very proud to be a Stones fan at that time. I really like all the songs on the album, but the highlights are Start Me Up, Little T&A, Neighbors and Waiting on a Friend. I was very impressed with the live version of Neighbors I heard from the b-stage during the Licks tour. They need to consider doing a few more songs from this album during this up coming tour.

Stripped - It is my favorite Stones live album. And they have a few really good ones. I consider this one the best. Yes, I know Ya Ya's is the popular favorite and for years this would have been my selection. But I love how alive this album is. Solid in my opinion.

Four Flicks DVD - This is a great offering from the Licks Tour. How nice to have a great selection of all the types of venues they visited. I especially like some of the shows or songs I was actually present for. My favorite show of the three is actually the Twickenham show. This wasn't the show I caught, but I think it is the best of the bunch. The MSG show is special because I was there. As good as it is, you really had to be in the building to full appreciate that night's performance. I love the club show and the song selection, unfortunately it isn't my favorite because of the jumpy camera/shot selection during the first half of that show. Still it is all great stuff and well worth the $30.

Pretty Beat Up

So much to love.

1. I love the way the stones back up vocals are. Their Doo Doo's and Who WHo's. I also love the way Keith and Ron sing slightly off time from one another and slightly out of key. In such songs as Tie You Up, Start Me Up, and Send It Too Me as primes examples, kinda drawly. Also their repatative almost like chanting like Dancin' Dancin' in Dancing With Mr. D.

2. Mick Jagger the way he just oooozes sleaze and grit (watch Miss You on LSTNT to see what I mean) and the way he can sound so butch on songs like Bitch and then singing something like Beast Of Burden. His energy and professionalism.

3. There love for music and how that transcends over to the audience, I remember when I saw the stones in Detroit last time. Keith was just having the fucking time off his life and it was so cool to watch him get off on getting us off.

4. There diversity and ability to make authentic music songs as well as be VERY tongue and Cheek.

5. Charlie Watts


here's what i love about the stones' music:

laughter, joy, and lonliness, and sex and sex and sex and sex - ok, that's 7 things....sorry

Mick T in KC
by Stray Cat (Feb 8, 1999)

I arrived at the Grand Emporium around 7:30 and had a table saved for me by a friend right on the first row which was about 15 feet from the stage. After a 3 hour drive I was ready for some good 'ole KC BBQ and a beer. The place was already pretty full and I was ready for the show after reading the reviews so far.

About halfway through the opening act Mick walked right by our table with some of his entourage and to a room in the back of the club. I could have reached over and touched him but just said "Hi MIck" as did everyone else. He did not say anything back to us though.

Mick and his All-Star band hit the stage at a relatively early 9:20. The setlist was pretty much the same as previous reviews. You Gotta Move really got the place going and was one of my favorites. You Shook Me was killer, as was the instrumental jam that showcased everyone in the band. The band was very tight and layed down a powerful foundation for MT to show off his playing, and man can he play. His playing was absolutely incredible. His lead and slide work was simply amazing. He is the Real Deal! The show lasted about 1 hour and 50 minutes and ended with an encore with CYHMK. That jam simply brought the house down. He did, however, play the whole set with his Sunburst Les Paul from start to finish. No guitar changes at all.

As I said at the start, we had a table up in the first row. People did stand at the front of the stage but it wasn't to crowded so I could see MT perfectly all night. I did move up and stood right at the front of the stage for the last song and encore.

After the show, a roadie said he would sign autographs after taking a short rest in his bus, but 5 minutes later, he was outside his bus, winter coat on, standing in the parking lot signing anything you had. I had him sign my ticket stub and my brother had his GHS, IORR, and a MT album signed. He was very nice and gracious to us. We thanked him and he thanked us for coming. I told the keyboard player that I didn't realize how good MT really was. He said he didn't either and is amazed every night standing up there with him.

Go see this guy if you have a chance. It is well worth it for the $13 to $16 ticket price. As far as the debate between MT and Ronnie, there is none. MT wins hands down. I understand after seeing him the reason he left the Stones. The Stones probably restricted his playing unless they would have played songs like Love In Vain all night. He is a blues guitarist and thrives in the setting he has now. Mick is the greatest!!!!!

Mick T in Golden, CO
by Ladybear
(Feb 4, 2000)

I just got home from the Mick Taylor concert, and what a show!
Mick played at the Buffalo Rose in Golden, Co, a small town west of Denver near the foothills. Keno, my best friend Colleena, and myself were sadly missing Jaxx who was too ill to make the show.
We arrived about 9:30, and the place was packed. Thanks to the efforts of two very cool people, Voodoo Chile and Carol Rock, it had been previously arranged for us to meet Mick after the show. Carol had alerted the tour manager , Claude, that we would be there. About fifteen minutes before the show, I saw a man working onstage who matched the description I had been given. I approached him, told him my name, and said I was a friend of Carol Rock. At this he gets a big smile on his face and says, "Oh yes, she told me that you were coming!" He told me where to be after the set and to enjoy the show. A very sweet and gracious man.
Keno, Colleena, and I lucked out in that I ran into a coworker of mine who had a table right up front and let us share. Good old Al, and I had had no idea he was a fan!
Mick went on about 10:45, kicking off his set with "Twisted Sister" from his new CD "A Stone's Throw". From then on it was complete aural ectasy. Keno and I squeezed in right next to the stage, with Mick only a few feet away. This is pretty heavy duty for me, to be so close to a man who I have worshipped for years! I spent a lot of time just watching his hands, his fingers as he played.
Due to alcohol and extreme excitement, I was unable to keep track of the setlist precisely, but many great songs stand out in my mind. "Secret Affair" from the new CD I absolutely loved, I really got into it. "You Gotta Move" was red-hot and smoking! The long jam mid-set which showcased his band was cool and I must say he has some very talented musicians working with him. I am impressed that he's not doing the "Look at me I'm Mick Taylor and these other guys are here to back me up" Not at all. Sadly I am horrible with names plus I don't hear very well in a crowd situation or I would name them all. I do know the keyboard player is new and his name is Jeff Ross. His guitar player is adorable, and he really let it rip on "You Shook Me".
One thing I spotted was that Mick kept putting his hand to his his forehead and eyes, and looked like he wasn't feeling very good. You would have never noticed from his playing that anything was wrong.
Dylan's "Blind Willie McTell" ended the show, and the crowd screamed and clapped for the encore. C'mon Mick, you know we need it! And yes, he came back and gave us an instrumental "Can't you hear me knocking" that I will remember all my life.
We waited patiently among the faithful, and I bought "A Stone's Throw" Cd. It was interesting to see what other people had brought to be signed. I saw a 1969 Fillmore poster that I would love to have. After about fifteen minutes, a roadie type guy comes out and gives the crowd the bad news; Mick has a severe migraine and will not be signing autographs. I am disappointed but not suprised, he really did look like he wasn't feeling good. So although I didn't get to meet him, I got to watch him play from three feet away, and took some photos which I hope turn out!
I was parked near the tour bus, and we saw Claude as we were leaving. We told him we heard about Mick's migraine, and hoped he would be feeling better soon. He was, again, very gracious and friendly and said the two day, straight- though drive from Vancouver had wiped Mick out. Keno noted that our elevation here in Colorado probably didn't help either. Then we said our goodbyes(and I made sure to mention that Carol Rock said Hi to everyone in the band and crew :-) ).
Mick Taylor is a phenominal guitar player. I was expecting a great show, and it was even better! If this tour passes through your town, you go! I mean it! You won't regret it. I think the best example of how good Mick is was my friend Colleena's reaction. She is not a big Stones fan, but she humors me in my addiction. The day of the show she was still saying "now who is it we're going to see?" By the second song into the set she was saying "this guy is really good!" She also bought a CD after the show.
Thank you Mick Taylor!!!

Mick T in Sweden
by Staffan (November 2000)

Finally I got to see Mick Taylor! My idol and hero... As some of you know, I met him a year ago, but didn't hear him play due to the train home which left before the show started.
The venue for this concert was like 150 miles away... But what the heck... if Staffan has decided to do something, he always does it :-)

I and dad got to the venue about two hours before he got on stage. And we got the best fuckin table!!!
Two meters from the stage!!!
Dad said: "Their equipment ain't impressive, look at those old amps..."
I laughed and said "It's tube amps, vintage tube amps"

Anyway, Mick got on stage at 10 pm... and I was so bloody nervous, what if the employees would discover my Mini disc and the mick???? They saw it but didn't care!!!
So I could enjoy the music even more! He started with Secret affair after a cool intro.
But he didn't have a plectrum!!! How can he play like that without a pick?
And after that, Twisted sister, and I now I'm convinced that Mick Taylor is the best guitarist that's been in the Stones (well, I've always knowed that... but it looks great on the screen).
And after that a slow blues which accelerates, shit, I don't know the name of these songs, but he and Max Middleton plays very well together. Possible name is "Everybody needs somebody" cause he sings that pretty often. Or "Need some time" or "You where such a fail attraction". And a fantastic solo and lots of wha-wha! Well if anyone knows the name.. mail me!!
And then Goin' South. 20 minutes of solos, mostly from the other band members. I found the drummer a bit boring, but Max and the bass player blew me away. During the others solos, Mick took off his guitar, a sunburst Les Paul Classic and smoked and walked around the stage :-) Well for all you guitar freaks, he had two amps, a Fender 2x12 and also a Marshall 2x12, both combos of course.

And that was the first set, about 45 minutes long. Over to set two:

Starts off with YOU GOTTA MOVE, which he does very different from the Sticky Fingers of course, but it's damned good. And 13 minutes long :-)
And then a quick change of MiniDisc in my recorder, and after You shook me,
a very jazzy tune, instrumental, says something like "Jacksons .... giddy-up, a long time ago" afterwards. What is the name of the song?
Great of course, but not really my cup of tea.
Then, a slow blues, with fantasticly great melodic solos... don't know the name of it again.
A line, (or clue:-) "Lived this life in vain" NEED HELP!
And then Blind Willie McTell. Starts with Max and Taylor on slide guitar... soft, but after two minutes the "hell breaks loose", well not quite... but the others join in anyway :-)
It's followed by the classic You shook me, which is a fav of mine, and the guitar playing is excellent, though the the zeppelin versions from 69 can't be beaten... although I prefer Taylors guitar than Jimmys on this one. And is rather long, 9 minutes.
I was in heaven when a fav of mine, Boogie Man begun. Heavy!!!

And directly after that, part two of CAN'T YOU HEAR ME KNOCKING!!!!!!
It's 9 minutes..... I was in heaven.... who the fuck is Carlos Santana??
Mick Taylor has everything.. and this song proves it all.. awesome control, fast fingers, fantastic sense for the melody, nuances, yeah, EVERYTHING INDEED.

And an encore of course, Fed up with the blues... hoped for Red House :-(...
But Fed up with the blues the band does very nicely and groovy OF COURSE!

Well, the recording is excellent audience, though hardly any loud voices or disturbing hand claps.
The only problem is that on a few songs, the mick vibrated, causing some very short glitches.
But you can live with that. If you want it mail me, and if there's a lot of interest we can make a CDr Tree maybe?

First Stones Memory
by Travellin’ Man (October 11, 2005)

Stones Memory. Share it with the board, if you will. I remember hearing 'Honky Tonk Women'for the first time on the AM radio of my Dad's Olds back in '68 or '69. I remember thinking,"THIS is actually fun music", as a 7 or 8 year old kid. Had never heard anything that cool before during my youth up to that point.

The K Man

I was playing this game for the Playstation 2 with my dad called Twisted Metal Black, and before the main menu comes on this weird riff comes through the speakers. My dad bobs his head to it and says, "All right...the Rolling Stones." I asked him what it was and he said, "Paint It, Black". Anyway, I found out that the entire song was played during the game credits which you could watch anytime so I listened to the whole song from there. I would just keep repeating it over and over again. Finally I decided to borrow my brother's copy of Forty Licks and I listened to the song from there about 4 times. Then I was about to take the disc out of the tray when I thought, "Ya know, I'll listen to this next song...see what I think of it."

And the rest is history.

Tattered Tongue

Mine is remarkably identicle to The K Man's. accept I was playing it with my brother and later he stated it was a Rolling Stones song, so I checked it out on his Forty Licks and discovered my new way of life.

Pavlov’s Dog

Maybe this makes me a freak but I don't have a clearly defined moment that I can point to and say that was my 1st Stones experience and that I was transformed at that moment. As I have alluded to in previous posts my father forbade me to listen to 'Rock Music' so really I was at least ten before I heard any. Then it was mainly AM Top 40 stuff. I had a friend my age who was far more musically advanced than me. I remember two albums of his;Jethro Tull'Aqualung and Mott The Hoople 'All The Young Dudes'that stand out. He basically initiated me into rock music. (He already had a Ludwig drum kit and was soon to be in a band). I DO know that as long as I can remember the Stones have been there, for 30+ years I know that when I turned on FM Radio they were there. I know that when I saw Apocalypse Now and saw the cool water-skiing scene to Satisfaction I was already very familiar with the song and tat around that time I bought 'Some Girls'. I have also mentioned that it is only relatively recently that I went from fan to junky and I don't know what triggered that exactly. All I know is that for a solid year I listen to, read about, talk about, think about the Stones every single day and they have taken over a huge part of my psyche.

King Bee

I seem to remember hearing my brothers playing Satisfaction, Paint It Black, Ruby Tuesday ect about the same years. I would have been 7 or 8 so I dont think I would remember music at an earlier age. Then again, I bought Neil Youngs "After The Goldrush" when it came out new believe it or not. I can remember listening to Sticky Fingers & Exile with them.

Rose Pink Cadddy

I'm 28 now, so maybe I was 5 or 6 at the time. I was going somewhere with mommy listening to the radio and she put her thumb on my leg.

I go "What the heck are you doing, Mom?"

She goes, "You're Under my Thumb."

Not getting it I said "So what, I don't get it, big deal."

So she told me it was the name of the song on the radio and that A band called the Rolling Stones sang it.

So it was our running joke for a number of years while we were going to little league or something.

Nothing Blues 

I was 9 or 10. Going up to my buddy's room after school to listen to music. He had an older brother who was 16 or 17 at the time, and my buddy was really into the Beatles so we listened to a lot of Sgt. Pepper. One day I found Hot Rocks up there, and opened it up and COULD NOT BELIEVE MY FUCKING EYES! These dudes were fucking SCARY. Two images stand out...One, Charlie on the back, not as the English gentlemen, but as this sinister looking warlord who was about to have these barbarians cut my head off! The other is the picture inside, with a shirtless Keith Richards staring at the camera while an obviously baked Brian Jones gives you that "what the fuck you looking at" glare? All the while, Mick and Charlie are wearing these sly grins. DAMN! Who the hell were these guys? I was soon to find out.


My first Stones memory was at my next door neighbor's house and we played Hot Rocks' 4 album sides over and over on their turntable in the basement. We must have listened to that album 1000 times in the summer of 72. Sides 3 and 4 were very "scary and mysterious" to all of us 14-yr olds. Rape, murder, street fighters, sympathy for devils, hit and run rapers in anger, gold coast slave ships bound for cotton fields, wild horses that couldn't carry me away, cross fire hurricanes, etc.

The combination of the pictures from the double gatefold album and that incredible music.


bought "Hot Rocks" on sale in 1973 at the MEMCO Department store in Fairfax VA because they were out of Bachman Turner Overdrive. (Hey, it was the early 70s and I was only 14!)

Soon after, we went to a double feaure at an old movie theater to see some stupid horror flick, and the second feature was "Gimme Shelter".

Before that, my only recollection of the Stones was seeing the single "Honky Tonk Women" in our house (not sure how it got there) and thinking, boy, they put TWO hits on one disc (YCAGWYW). That's dumb, I thought.

Up until then, all my older step-siblings were Beatles fanatics. When the "White Album" came out in 1968, it was like the second coming. I was always asking them to play "Ob La Di, Ob La Da".

Paul K

When Exile was released a LA radio station played it straight through, one side at a time. This was the first time I heard it. I was at a laundromat, probably washing everything I owned, and ran back and forth from washer or dryer to my VW Bug to hear the next side on the radio. Caught some verbal abuse from a woman for holding up the parade in the laundromat, but I was not going to leave my car before the album side finished.


My very first memory of the Stones is in the spring of 1968, I was 12. I was at a friends house, we were probably trying to figure out a way to scare one of the girls in our neighborhood, or something as devious, when Jumping Jack Flash came on the radio. I remember thinking it was a cool song but at 12 I was not very interested in music. I knew the Beatles were a big thing so earlier I had bought "My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean" for a girl I had a crush on. I knew "Groovin" by "The Young Rascals." That was the extent of my musical knowledge.

But when my life changed I was at the local ice cream parlor after a day at junior high. I guess I was in ninth grade because it was 1971. My friends and I were being cool by smoking cigarettes in the back of the parlor. I was trying to impress a girl named Beth who had the greatest legs I had ever seen. Probably to this day she is the standard for me for great legs, that is for a normal girl, of course Cameron Diaz is the standard for me now. (and I cannot believe none of you want a picture of her leaving a Stones concert). We were sitting around the juke box, a cloud of smoke over our heads, generally acting cool as ninth graders will do.

My "best friend," had an older brother that had long hair and was Columbia's most renowned high school Missouri style hippy. My friend played "Bitch." From that moment on I was addicted. My attention turned from trying to get up the nerve to go over and talk to Beth to listening to the music. I felt a "vibe" I wanted to be a part of. Just remebering gives me the same feeling of awe that overtook me then.

This may sound odd, even impossible, but for a few months I stopped paying attention to girls and listened to the Stones as much as I could. This is when I started smoking reefer in the creek back behind our house. We would spend the night listening to "Let it Bleed," "Sticky Fingers" and "Ya Ya's." Late at night for a freak out we would listen to "Careful With That Axe Eugene" off "Umma Gumma" (?) by Pink Floyd.

Within a month of hearing "Bitch" I got into conflict with my parents about my hair and clothes. They told me that I could not grow my hair out so I shaved my head, got a pirate bandana and a drill sergeant's hat and was off to school. I got sent home for having a shaved head when the school had a policy agaist long hair. My parents never said a word to me again about what to wear or about long hair.

It was all over. By the end of the summer I had tripped for the first time, I was smoking pot regularly and having sex with girls. Yahoo Stones! I learned early that rock and rollers got laid a lot.

I heard the sound and wanted to be a part of the Stones scene. "Bitch" did it to me. I started down the road and never turned back. I still like girls with great thighs and put on "Bitch" every time I hit the road for a road trip.

Pretty Beat Up

Was the summer of 1987. My best friend moved into town from just outside of town. I went over to his place one day, and he said you gotta check this out. It was video rented of the Rolling Stones 1981 tour from a local video store called the Video Zone. IT was Let Spend The Night Together. I slowley got into them afterwards. I bought Hot Rocks and one of my moms friends gave me a casset of IT's Only Rock'n Roll for my birthday. And another one of her frineds tape me Let IT Bleed and Who;'s Next. For years after my firend and I would get together and drink the night away watching Lets Spend The Night Together. I would love to do that with him again. But we have lost touch.


was growing up in a strange country which in my opinion have a little interest in the good music. In Poland it is believed that the best rock band is Pink Floyd and the greates album is The Wall, I suppouse because of the political conotations- Berlin Wall and stuff like that. Stones were known only for Satisfaction, which was a good song but terribly old and too standard for me and Angie, which for me always sounds like a sweet crap. At my youth days grunge was on the top, when one lazy Sunday afternoon I have watched the episode of Wonder Years TV drama. It was this episode when someone made a gossip about Stones coming to town. I still remember that- at the end of the episode was the great riff of Brown Sugar. That was it! It came in a perfect timing. It was like saying "fuck off" to all that shitty music, to all those news on TV starting with the info how "our great Polish pope is doing". I think this music had a great impact on me. Like I believe with most of The Stones fans the days of drugs and sex has started. Later it all got fucked up a little bit. My best friend has passed away thanks to drugs and I've learned that this sex, drugs & rock'n roll idea is just some symbol. For me the true message was to take the life as it is and remain free from some of the social expectation. This determined me to move to Japan. When I've arrived there my lagguage was lost on the way. Stones helped me to take it with a smile and agree to feel like a rolling stone ;)

Sorry for writing this long. All I want to say is "The First..." was really great. Now when I listen to Brown Sugar it doesn't give me the same kick as when I've listened to that for the first time. I wish to erase Stones from my memory and to discover them once again!


One of my very first memories period has something to do with the Stones. My dad had payed London a visit and came back with a shirt for me and a shirt for my sister. I don't remember what mine looked like, but the one my sister got was a yellow shirt with a certain red tongue. I must've been two or three years old back then and I don't have a clue why I remember. Probably because of the sensation of my father coming home after being away for a week and giving us presents, because obviously I wasn't aware of the existance of the Stones back then. Memory fucks with people: your mind weaves stories around pictures. My sisters Stones shirt however cannot be found in any family-album.

I checked this memory with my folks and they confirmed. The fact that I didn't get a Stones shirt must've triggered something: I keep on buying them since the Steel Wheels Tour, keep them around when they're worn out. I think I have 40 different prints or something...


I was eight years old watching raw deal, and heard satisfaction.I remeber grabbing my huge tape recorder, and calling my dad to hear this cool song.I was surprised when he knew who it was.And thats when I knew of the band the rolling stones.I also use to listen to this cool army tv show that would start off with Paint it black.Does anyone remember this show.Up this point of my life, I thought only the beatles existed.


It's hard to pin point my first Stones experiance, it was in the early to mid 60's, probably listening to Satisfaction for the first time. The first Stones that I remember with any clarity is Got Live If You Want It. The Beatles were the biggest thing on the scene at the time and I aquired a copy of GLIYWI, I wore that puppy out listening to it and The Beatles were moved down the list a bit. I also have early memories of listening to Mona and I rememeber the first time I listened to Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed and Sticky Fingers.


It was about 3 years ago or so, i just started working at this grocery store where i grew up. At that time pretty beat up was working there, and i got to him pretty good, and he introduced to me to the rolling stones, my first album was bridges to babylon i bought off of him. It was great, its actually still no 1, after all these years. I eventually got 40 Licks, and the rest of the albums. If it wasnt for pretty beat up for getting me into the rolling stones, and rock n roll, i dont know what crap i would be listening too. THANKS PRETTY BEAT UP! YOU DA MAN!

Listening to Don't Stop..


I am getting sentimental now. Not because of my memories but everone elses! Seems like an Wonder Years (yes Ifox Wonder Years rulez) episode. Things like 'my friend and I listenend to the Stones for years, but now we just haven't been in touch' just makes me think how strange life is. Ya know, things come and go. An Endless-summer kinda memory thing. A! Blame me for getting sentimental! lol.

Anyway, I don't know what my exact first memory is. My mom likes the Stones, but I believe she only did got one tape or something, but when the Stones where on the radio she did mention it where the Stones. So then I knew what the Stones were. But it can also be Paint it Black from Tour of Duty. Back in '98, when I've allready knew the Stones, I first got hooked by YCAGWYW. But not in that good way, lol. Holland lost the semi-final of the World Cup football on penalty's against Brazil, wich on this day I still have a trauma from. Anyway, in the far end they (Dutch tv) made a 'video' with picuteres from the match. Wich was accompanied by YCAGWYW. So I first hated the song but couldn't get it out of my head. Now it's one of my favorites.


Thinking back it's like there have always been the stones. My old man has always been talking about them, but strangely I don't recal any albums in our household. When I was about 10 I got my first Cassette recorder and Hot rocks came with it and from that moment on there was no return. A few years later I got my first Stereo with a CD-Player and my Dad didn't have one of his own, so he kept buying CDs for me to copy to tape for him. The first one might have been Steel Wheels. Those were the good times... One or two years later he got his own CD-Player, and it changed to him "borowing" all my stuff. When I came home with a new one, he was suddenly all like "Oh thank, you, that is so thoughtfull of you! You shouldn't have..." And there went my shiny new CDs :-(. I moved out not long after the third CD that took that particular route.

Sister Barb

Wow, this is going wayyy back.... it was 1964. I had heard Tell Me and Time is on My Side. I knew nothing about them. One day in the San Antonio Light, there was a photo of them. The moment I saw them, I was in love. They were so DIFFERENT. The ad was for the ill-fated San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo appearance. My brother's friend Sarah and her friends were going to the show. I begged and pleaded to let me go with them, but I was just 9, so my parents said NO WAY. And probably rightfully so.

The next few memories I have of them was taking my allowance and buying High Tide and Green Grass (with my own money! LOL) at Rhodes Department Store at Wonderland Mall. What a blast! It had all those photos inside! I stared at those photos - especially the ones of Brian - for years. I still have it, too. The vinyl is totally worn out and the photo pages have been Scotch taped a number of times, but I treasure it.

I remember screeching to wake the dead one night when we were all in the living room watching the end of that night's Ed Sullivan Show. I had seen the first Stones appearance, now I was thinking, "one of these nights he just HAS to announce the Rolling Stones again!" No sooner than I'd thought it, he said, "Next week," blah blah blah... "THE ROLLING STONES!" Screams from the audience, my squeals, my parents telling me to hush up, all the while trying not to smile too much... what incredible memories.

Thanks for this thread. I've had so much fun reading everybody's accounts.

Partner in Crime

This isn't my first Stones memory, but I remember when the Stones threw out the fishing line and got me hooked. I was in the basement listening to a radio station out of Ft.Wayne and She's So Cold came calling me though the speakers. I couldn't get enough of that song. When my brother was home on a weekend from college I had him listen to SSC. Don't know what he thought about the song, but a couple of weeks later when he came home from college he gave me my first two Stones albums, Emotional Rescue and Suckin in the 70's. I wore them two albums out. The next album I bought was Hot Rocks and there has been no looking back since then. The Stones set the hook in me and they set it good, clear down to my ass.

Jack Flash

When I was a wee little child, my dad used to sing YCAGWYW to me when I wa s bad... lol! But I guess that doesn't really count.

When I was about 9, I was totally into the Beatles and barely listened to anything else. I'd of course heard Stones songs before, but I don't really recall which or when. And I knew that they were in some way rivals of the Beatles. The first time I can remember hearing the Stones conciously was on the radio, 19th Nervous Breakdown. My dad told me that was by the Rolling Stones, and that he liked them even better than the Beatles (I of course was totally shocked...). I remember thinking they sounded weird and not like the Beatles. I also remember hearing Under My Thumb and Get Off Of My Cloud on the radio before I really knew them. But one day I decided to try and figure out why my dad liked these guys so much. The only CD I knew of in his collection was Sticky Fingers, so one night I took it and listened to it in my headphones, as if I were doing something naughty. I think most of all, the guitars blew me away. Later, I discovered Tattoo You, Steel Wheels in a pile of my parents' CDs in my room. One reason I love Flashpoint is I listened to it so much when I first found it at 10 or so. But I didn't really get hooked until my mom bought 40 Licks- and I haven't been able to quit them since!


I've written this so many times, so here's a short version:

I went to a concert, perhaps 11 or 12 years ago. Teh Swedish band played Satisfaction as an encore and I told my dad that I liked that song miles over the other ones that had been played during the evening. When we came home, he showed me his old LP "30 greatest hits", put it on, and from that moment I was hooked. She's a rainbow and Dandelion were my favourites the first two years (remember, I was only 9 years old!), then I went on to the rocking songs... :)

I also really digged the way they all looked on the 6 photos on the front cover. They were cool, not Metallica or Guns'n'Roses.

Brainbell Jangler

It was definitely their debut on Ed Sullivan, October 25, 1964 (almost 41 years ago). I remember because we usually watched the Disney show at that time, but my mom wanted to see the Stones. I'm told they played Satisfaction, As Tears Go By and 19th Nervous Breakdown. My daughters are third-generation fans who will see their first show in 20 days.

Treacle Fingers

There were 3 events that stirred my stones consciousness.

1. Summer of 72, my parents went over to their friends house...I was 7 milling around, and picked up a stones K-Tel type album, while, with 6 photos on the cover, MJ, KR, MT, BJ, BW, and CW. My only memory of that was, I knew the stones were a 5 piece (I don't remember how I knew that), and I was trying to figure out which photo was a duplicate. Was it the KR and the BW one? No. Was it the MT and BJ one (because of the blonde hair)? No. I was confused, and didn't figure that one out.

2. 1978....disco. I got Saturday Night Fever and a couple of other albums. I was watching daytime TV, some sort of entertainment report, and they played a portion of the Miss You video. They played the part where Mick is dancing and singing directly to the camera. I remember thinking, WTF??? What the hell is this?

3. 1980....listening to my clock radio at night. She's So Cold comes on. It's like someone has finally 'plugged me in'. I'm in shock! I can't get over the guitar's, and the vocal. I'm hooked in an instant! I buy ALL their albums, CD's, posters, clothing, concerts, stickers, buttons. I'm also the ONLY fan I know in high school. Everyone else is into AC/DC. That is until the next year, when Tattoo You comes out. I am vindicated!

25 years later, (and thousands of dollars I might add), I finally get to see them play She's So Cold live in Toronto. Fantastic!


It was 1969 I was 9 years old and I got a little record player for Christmas. My big brother had a new LP with a cake on it. When he was out with friends I would sneak into his room and borrow his LP. The rest is history. In 1972 I cried because my parents wouldn't let me go see them with my brother. My dad promised when I was old enough he would let me go and see them. June 1st 1975 my dream came true. 

To read entire thread, click here:

First Album
by Travellin’ Man
(November 2005) 

For me it was,'Some Girls' on 8-track in 1978. When I think of my high school days, 'Some Girls' and 'Made In The Shade' are the soundtrack of that portion of my life. I played 'Some Girls' over and over in my bedroom on my ol' Panasonic.(The running order was different on the 8-track from the LP. I suppose to prevent splitting songs in half.) 'Made In The Shade' was a cassette a friend owned. He would pick me up in his VW bug every morning, we would crank up,'Made In The Shade' and arrive at school feeling like kings! Even back then I made sure ,'Bitch' was in my ears as often as possible.

Pavlov’s Dog

Some Girls LP. My friend Pete bought it when it 1st came out sometime in 1977-78.(I was a freshman in High School) I think he bought the Cars 1st album around the same time but I only bought the Rolling Stones album. We always used to laugh hysterically during the title song when Mick said "Black Girls Just Want to Get Fucked All Night". We were such dorks, it's why we bought Hair of the Dog by Nazareth and Ted Nugent Double Live Gonzo. 

Man of Taste

My Uncle used to have a kick ass bachelor pad when I was in high school. When he was out of town I would stay there and use his hot tub, pool table, liquor, etc. Often we'd party in the tub and I'd rifle through his cd collection and always end up popping in Sticky Fingers for backup music. After a few listens I started thinking "hmmm, these guys are pretty good." Sticky Fingers was my first Stones purchase and to this day Wild Horses remains my favorite song of all-time. As an aside, chicks dug the hot tub. Ahh, those wre 


just started hanging out with Pretty Beat Up, and he knew I was into rock n roll, very lightly. I was into bands like REM, metallica, and that. He put on some stones songs, cant remember what I heard, all do know is that I was hooked. Then he offered me his Bridges to Babylon, it was in great condition, like mint. I listened to it a few times, and got into it. From then on, within a few months I had almost them all...

Pretty Beat Up of course rebought the album, but still, everyday I listen to the rolling stones, whenever i hear a song from bridges, i thank god, and pretty beat up for allowing me to hear such mezmorizing music! Thanks Pretty Beat Up!!

Listening to Might as Well Get Juiced... 

To read entire thread, click here:

Emotional signifigance of songs
by Jack Flash,
( July 2005)

When I first rated Goats Head Soup, I gave 100 Years a 6.4 (using Keno's rating scale). It was OK, nice off beat change of pace, I thought, but sloppy. But a week or so ago I listened to it and it just clicked in my head: this is my theme song (at the moment). It hit me so powerfully because it made so much sense to me, and now I listen to it every 20 minutes. I started to realize the heart tugging chords, how Mick seems to know exactly what he's talking about ashe sings so perfectly, and how MT transfers all the built of up emotion and power through his killer guitar work. I've always said that the Stones have an incredible talent for writing songs that mirror my life, and 100 Years is the perfect example. I'm starting to think of giving it a 10.0, maybe have it sneak into my top 25.
So my question is: do we dig songs just because we can relate to them? If you heard a song that was obviously really bad but described perfectly what you felt about something or a situation in your life, would you like it? Once I realized 100 Years was so significant to me, I started to dig the music three times more. Just curious about all your opinions.

Pretty Beat Up

great song, love Mick and Keith vocals on that one, Mick Taylor shines like a diamond and Watts is aswome. I think exposure to a song is the #1 reason for liking a song. Also being able to relate to the song is important, not just emotional but musically. One has to be able to feel and understand the music ands were its coming from to dig it. Which is time, place, atmoshphere and feeling.


Maybe I should have used emotional influence instead of 'experience" in my other posts. It is the emotional influence of the songs that make them great.

Every album's quality is equal to the experience of hearing it and what is going on in one's life at the time. For me I get so excited about a new album and indoctrinate myself so thoroughly in it that I associate each album with fond memories.

I cannot divorce what was going on when I first heard Exile. The experience of growing to love it (at 15)and memorizing it. The same with GHS. Saying GHS is not as good an album is like saying 73 was not as good as 72.

The Stones put out the music that is perfect for the time. So many people dis "Dirty Work," but for me it was the perfect album for the mid 80's. It was angry and raw, and hell, I wanted to fight. "Had it With You" was so perfect for my mood I blasted out my girlfriend's bitching with it.

I put on Sticky Fingers when I hit the road because I think it is perfect to leave town to Brown Sugar.

I am listening to GHS right now and it is a fresh to me today as it was in 73. I graduated High School to that album.

That being said, and getting off my soap box, I have my favorite albums. I came of age to "Sticky Fingers" and "Exile." I collect every bootleg of the 72 tour as I can find. "Exile" is by far my favorite album. I cannot say the best, because all of them are the best at the time, but my favorite.

"Voodoo Lounge" holds a special spot for me because it was the first "adult" album the Stones put out.

Anyway... LIB, SF, "Exile" GHS and IORR are my favorites. Largely because of the experiences, emotional influences, I was having.

But now I am building up to a new album. So I am going to say the new album, without hearing it, is my favorite album.

There is nothing like a new album coming out. It is like all the best experiences of my life congeal and open up with new potential.

I will be there dancing and singing with the Stones. Time will be suspended and the eternity of my soul, intimately attached to the soul of the music, will expand.

Thanks for helping me prepare for the big event in Chicago Sept. 10.

The K Man

Yes, emotions do play a big part in how you like a song. I remember because when I was getting into Wild Horses, and I was going through some trouble with this girl I liked. The power of that song was magnified so signifigantly because of what I was going through at the time, and I will eve admit to the world that Wild Horses made me cry a bit. In fact, I'm glad to admit it because then it proves how powerful The Stones are. And today, while Wild Horses is still a great song, it isn't quite as powerful to me as it was back when I was in that emotional stage. And I don't think it's because I got tired of the song, I still love it as much as I did back then it's just more the impact it makes on me when i'm listening to it doesn't happen when I was, as I said before, when I was suffering some teenage angst (which as I look back now, it was rather ridiculous).

So in conclusion, emotions do play a part in how you like a song or how you feel about that particular song.


I have the theory about the songs. It's not only mine I have heard it somewhere. I believe there are two kinds of sogs: the ones that hit your your head and the ones hit the emotions. It's OK when you can say: gee, this song is good in musical terms, it's really very well done. But hey, often that music don't show emotions. I consider mamy songs of The Betles like that. They are great but for me.

I think what is great about The Stones is the special feeling of emotions. One can say they are simple, primitive, just one riff, but try to juice out the emotions like The Stones do.

If you are brave enough to lead your own life not just live up to others expectations no wonder you can understand the vibes in The Stones songs. As for me when I think about my mistakes of the past I can hear the songs I loved at the moment. But fuck what do I know about life?

To read the entire thread, click here:


First Album
by Travellin’ Man
(November 2005) 

For me it was,'Some Girls' on 8-track in 1978. When I think of my high school days, 'Some Girls' and 'Made In The Shade' are the soundtrack of that portion of my life. I played 'Some Girls' over and over in my bedroom on my ol' Panasonic.(The running order was different on the 8-track from the LP. I suppose to prevent splitting songs in half.) 'Made In The Shade' was a cassette a friend owned. He would pick me up in his VW bug every morning, we would crank up,'Made In The Shade' and arrive at school feeling like kings! Even back then I made sure ,'Bitch' was in my ears as often as possible.

Pavlov’s Dog

Some Girls LP. My friend Pete bought it when it 1st came out sometime in 1977-78.(I was a freshman in High School) I think he bought the Cars 1st album around the same time but I only bought the Rolling Stones album. We always used to laugh hysterically during the title song when Mick said "Black Girls Just Want to Get Fucked All Night". We were such dorks, it's why we bought Hair of the Dog by Nazareth and Ted Nugent Double Live Gonzo. 

Man of Taste

My Uncle used to have a kick ass bachelor pad when I was in high school. When he was out of town I would stay there and use his hot tub, pool table, liquor, etc. Often we'd party in the tub and I'd rifle through his cd collection and always end up popping in Sticky Fingers for backup music. After a few listens I started thinking "hmmm, these guys are pretty good." Sticky Fingers was my first Stones purchase and to this day Wild Horses remains my favorite song of all-time. As an aside, chicks dug the hot tub. Ahh, those were 


just started hanging out with Pretty Beat Up, and he knew I was into rock n roll, very lightly. I was into bands like REM, metallica, and that. He put on some stones songs, cant remember what I heard, all do know is that I was hooked. Then he offered me his Bridges to Babylon, it was in great condition, like mint. I listened to it a few times, and got into it. From then on, within a few months I had almost them all...

Pretty Beat Up of course rebought the album, but still, everyday I listen to the rolling stones, whenever i hear a song from bridges, i thank god, and pretty beat up for allowing me to hear such mezmorizing music! Thanks Pretty Beat Up!!

Listening to Might as Well Get Juiced...

To read the entire thread, click here:

Stones Legacy in Peril?
Oklahoma Zeppelin (April 2006)

Like it or not, seems to me, the Stones' very visible slide -- from remotely memorable albums, from tree tops -- could hurt their legacy in the long run. Not to us, but to later generations of music listeners. I worry that teens today see the U2s, Madonnas, even Beatles and Aerosmiths, as more reputable foggies than the Stones, who wrinkle and Super-Bowl strut to highlight some of their worst albums.

I wonder if legacies are delicate things that must be continually nurtured. Or lost? The Kinks were important to '80s kids, but I think have fallen off the radar for 00s kids. Even dead bands like the Beatles still must capture the teen's imagination. And they do. But do 16-year-olds know less-than-primary-but-top-tier-songs 'Tumbling Dice' and 'Paint It Black'? I think, you already hear them less than you did 15 years ago. And the image of a self-glorifying band charging $300 for tickets on tours supporting rather stale albums can't help.

The following bands, among others, are keeping more relevant, credible and creative in their third decade than the Stones did in their third, fourth, or fifth decades:

1. U2 -- new duet with Mary J Blige on 'One' proves how enduring that superb song is

2. Madonna -- not saying it's great, but she's keeping teens loving her -- that ensures a longer legacy

3. Depeche Mode -- songs continue to matter and sincere with band's mystique/message

4. Prince -- no comment required


Sorry mate I will have to disagree, being 23 years old myself and seeing the amount of people much younger than me absolutely loving both the shows I saw last month, i would have to say there legacy will not be lost in the near future.

I think you either love them or hate them and bands like U2 are much more to the wider public's taste meaning younger people hear them a lot more than they would hear the stones.

But in saying that younger people who want to gain a greater knowledge of classic rock music will always turn to the stones as they are and will always be ROCK n ROLL.

They wrote the book on it and don't worry a lot of kids understand this fact. When bono becomes the president of the world you won't even remember what band he used to be in. I am confident the stones will be just as relavant in another 40 odd years, i dont think I could say the same about U2 and any of the others you mentioned.


I don't think the Stones will lose their legacy. Perhaps the band will not have the status as it does to us but musicians will draw inspiration from their music and pass along the sound and feelings of their music.

The Stones will be an inspiration for new bands-- for how long... 50 years maybe? Musicians will look back on the Stones' work just like Brian drew inspiration from Elmore James and the like.

The Stones are an archetypal force and that force will be present in all generations.

I agree somewhat that other bands <<<<<are keeping more relevant, credible and creative in their third decade than the Stones did in their third, fourth, or fifth decades.>>> It would be difficult for a person to get turned on to the Stones by their music after Undercover. The later albums are loved by Stonesfans because they love the band. Just like many of us look back at the golden years of the Stones, so will generations look back at those years. I doubt people in the future will think their music is relevant and creative past Tattoo You, with the possible exception of Voodoo Lounge.

The Stones legacy will be in the bands that draw inspiration from the Stones, and I think that will last for decades to come.

The band may be forgotten but not the legacy they leave of pure rock and roll. In the future their will be someone like Brian, to a lesser degree of course, who has the vision and genius to create some kind of new music that the Stones awakened in them.

Very interesting post Oklahoma Zeppelin like usual. The power behind the Stones music will be there forever.


The following bands, among others, are keeping more relevant, credible and creative in their third decade than the Stones did in their third, fourth, or fifth decades:

1. U2 -- new duet with Mary J Blige on 'One' proves how enduring that superb song is

2. Madonna -- not saying it's great, but she's keeping teens loving her -- that ensures a longer legacy

3. Depeche Mode -- songs continue to matter and sincere with band's mystique/message

4. Prince -- no comment required<

LOL..Thanks,for that I needed a good laugh..I take it by your nick you might be a Led Zeppelin fan?...if long did their legacy last?

Dude,you are on another planet...wake up and smell Keith's weed and Jack long as the Stones can after 40 years get fans into stadiums,even with the high ticket prices they will be reconed as the best and have a good me any other rock band thats still 40 years plus in the business and still have a young fan base (just look at the age of a lot of Gassers that post here)..Sure i'm not blind to the fact that the Stones arent what they used to be when they were at their peak ito album sales and the product that they put out there ect..but fuck,dude they are 40 years in the business and still going strong..can we say that about bands like Led Zeppelin?..(even if you might not be a Zeppelin fan,lets use then anyway as an example,but I can use a lot of other bands also as an example)

It amazes me how you get people thats not Stones fans that will post negative crap about them on a Stones fan based website. I don’t post crap about Led Zeppelin on their websites...I have better things to do with my time I guess.

>Depeche Mode -- songs continue to matter and sincere with band's mystique/message<

Dude,with that statement no one would ever take you seriously...just a tip...Depeche Mode..LOL...thats funny I must admit..very original.

enough said...


More creative? U2? More creative?

What utter shite.

No one my age gives a shit about prince. Depeche Mode?!!! I assure people rightfully give even less of a shit about them.

People like U2, but to compare their legacy to the Stones is absurd.

Just my take on how they're coping with age<

60+ years old and they still performing on stage...with Mick strutting his stuff,most people half his age wont be able to do the same...I recon they aged well...

Oklahoma Zeppelin I talk under correction now but arent you the guy who also made a post last year or the year before that,saying that the sax part in "Brown Sugar" is

like over done or crap..something in that line?..well if it was you wich I'm almost sure is the case (i'm not in the mood to go check all the posts of the past 2 years) then it would explain why you would make such a crap post again about the Stones seems like whenever you make a post on this site you have something negative or insulting to say about the Stones..go and make crap posts on you Led Zeppelin websites boy!..

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I also have my fair share of critisizm with some of the Stones related issues and stuff they do..after all although is difficult to understand at times they are also human and make mistakes at times,and I also dont dig all their songs and albums..but I dont "appear" on this website to just post negative stuff and crap about the Stones.

I apologise,to the rest of the Gassers about this outburst i'm just in a general crap mood today,and I when I visit Gasland to learn more about the Stones and get the latest news on them,wich normally lightens up my day also seeing the other Gassers here,I dont need to see crap like this posted on the website by someone who's clearly here to stir..Oklahoma Zeppelin live with it LED ZEPPELIN will never,and was never as good as the Stones.

The Stones are still together....


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Queen are all far more popular than the Stones among teenagers and college students in America. I'm a college student and I'm constantly talking about music with other people my age, and it's insanely rare to find someone under 25 who really digs the Stones. Here's why I think the Stones are (in general) underappreciated today by young people:

1.) They've become celebrities for reasons other than their music (Keith's hedonism, Mick's jet-setting, the whole band's age) so great music isn't the first thing young people associate with the Stones.

2.) They didn't fade away right after they hit their prime in the 70s, so their legend has been tainted by a number of sub-par albums.

3.) They don't have a really flashy wanker of a solo guitarist in the band, and kids these days think that the best music comes from bands that are "technically" brilliant.

4.) A lot of kids today think that rock and roll is supposed to be serious and moody, with bands like Linkin Park and Tool being some of the most popular current groups. A serious song like Stairway To Heaven appeals to my generation a lot more than, say, Jumpin' Jack Flash. (In fact, I know a lot of people who say they don't like the Stones, but they do like Paint It, Black.)

5.) A ton of people hate Mick's singing because it is so unorthodox. Also, Mick was never as melodramatic as Freddie Mercury or Robert Plant, and was mostly concerned with dancing around and having a good time on stage. (See #4)

You can be as optimistic as you want, but the Stones legacy is undoubtedly diminishing. Today, there are still plenty of die-hard Stones fans out there. The critics today are also quite complimentary of the great Stones albums of the past. However, unless trends in music take a drastic change in the next couple of decades, I think the Stones will continue to see a decline in their number of young fans.

To read the entire thread, click here:

On Being a Stonesfan
by Undercover
(July 5, 2005)

I had to write this because of the tremendous favor PaulK did me. I had lost one of the discs from my Touring Party 72 collection. I asked the board for some help. PaulK sent me a copy along with some other discs from 72. I asked the board for a favor and a few days later I got more than I asked for.

So... In my own way, besides saying thanks to PaulK, I wanted to add something to the board. I have read here a lot about what is the best record or solo or some other aspect of the Stones.

I have put forward that there is no way to judge what is best because there is no objective standard to judge them by. I argued that each album was the best at the time and that the Stones could have made only that album at that time.

I stated that experience is the only way I can judge an album and experience is always in the present. That makes all the albums, for me, from "Sticky Fingers" on equal, because I lived them. I learned to love earlier albums but I was too young to experience them as they came out. Fortunately "Let it Bleed" and Ya's Ya's " were contemporary, so it was easy to bring them into my experience.

It may sound funny to speak of experience this way. I, just like Keno, had my first "grown up" experience upon learning of the death of a family friend in Vietnam and watching the Chicago riots on TV.

I was never a kid after that. After that I wanted to find my own way and the route I chose to discover myself was music. I did not know much about the Stones at that time, only remembering hearing "Jumping Jack Flash" as a kid.

The Beatles were the easiset music to slip into in 68 for me and I followed them for answers to my newly "grown up" questions. The big moment was first hearing "Bitch" at the local teen hang-out. After that I was a Stones fan. The Beatles were not playing what I was experiencing. But "Bitch" and "Brown Sugar" captured the times as I knew them.

My point is this-- we Stones fans share experience together. We shared the times and the experience of each of their albums as they came out. I am not trying to belittle younger folk, they had the same experience of hearing that first Stones song that captured them, that they connected to, they just had more to go back and learn to love.

Back then there was an element of danger to being a Stones fan. It was no peace love hippy thing. It was rebellion. Altamont was still fresh in our minds because it was the death of the peace love scene. Riots were happening. There was a war on. Their equipment was being blown up. We were on the very forefront of rock and roll and the edge is a dangerous place to be if you want to be popular or accepted or "normal." There was a feel to the Stones that was no place else and it smacked of danger. It was dangerous times.

But the sounds soaked into some of us. They were sounds that resonated with our experience. Life was not the groovy place it was made out to be. Our eyes opened up to a new experience. Part of it was drugs but the biggest part was the common ground found between others that heard the sound and felt it with our bodies. A dividing line appeared and there were those of us that heard it, felt it, and decided to live on the other side of that line. We went to see them in 72 against every "reasonable" persons advice.

The sound had already started to grow in our souls. We listened to the music until we had every note memorized. Until we could rock without any audible music because our bodies felt the sound. The songs became part of our unconscious.

At some point our experience became transparent to other Stones fans. We felt the same danger in the air and we rebelled against the same luke warm middle of the road everything is fine pacifying messages we were bombarded with. The Stones were the edge of rock and roll and we went to the edge with them.

Our bodies changed as we learned that sometimes you had to fight and sometimes you had to fuck and sometimes you had to numb the pain. Sometimes rejoice. We entered a shared reality with other Stones fans. We felt a bond with them. We broke the rules so we could see the Stones and be with people like us, sometimes bled, sometimes had hassles with the police. We were part of the swirling masses "all black and white."

We made the music part of us. It was with us as we grew up and could make more decisions for ourselves. "Midnight Rambler" rocked in our minds and we knew it was true.

We needed shelter. War was just a shot away but love was just a kiss away. We kissed each other goodnight.

We grew up with the Stones and they became part of us. We became part of them. We supported them, spent our money on them, lost jobs, lost girlfriends, we sacrificed to be a part of the sound.

We are a part of the Stones. Without us they are nothing-- we made them. We experienced life together. We felt the sound together. We made friendships that were never broken because our ties to a band. Our ties to a lifestyle. Our ties to living in the moment with a sound that changed and grew with us.

We committed ourselves to a sound and the sound in others. The Stones made the sound but we vibrated it too.

My experiences are my own but I share a portion of them with every other Stonesfan. There is no middle of the road.

The Stones are just some Englishman playing music but combined with the fans we are rock and roll.

When PaulK sent me those CDs he must have felt a comradship with me. I feel it with him now. I feel it with all of you who can say to yourselves truthfully: We lived the life.

Stonesfan brothers and sisters let's feel for a minute how we grew to become who we are. Without the Stones we would not be who we are.

We made the Stones together. They made a sound we rallied around and defined ourselves by. We have grown older together, the Stones and us. We reflect back to the Stones and that is what they become. All of us have been in a process of becoming together.

Even the arguments I read about over the new tour are nothing but us becoming older together and our conflicts about changing priorities.

I can be transported to a Stones Heaven. A Rolling Stones archetype. Mick T., Brian, Keith, Mick , Charlie, Bill, Ronnie, and all the others. We sing the songs all together because we are one.

May the Stones gods look over you, and the band as well.


Cool post, I only got to read it just now. Sounds like your a handful of years younger than me perhaps.

Those of us who were in our early teens, but under 17 or 18 at the close of the '60s, were still just old enough to understand all the shit that was going down. But we were still growing up too, and worried that when we hit 18 ours asses would be shipped off to 'Nam via the draft. I can remember all of my friends (and being a part of the Baby Boom, there were a lot of friends my age) talking about going to Canada when we hit 18, fuck fighting for Pig Nixon! I mean, all the kids where I grew up felt this way about our own country - we didn't trust it or it's leaders one bit. I know for myself, all this bullshit sure did shape me into the hippie/yippie I became. I remember one straight telling me in the early '70s that I could not be both a hippie and a yippie at the same time, as this person didn't really have a clue what the two were. He kept trying to tell me yippies were nothing but punks with long hair. Guess he had forgotten that just a few years earlier even the punks had long hair, too. The things that really brought the punks, yippies and hippies together back then was they all were into the anti-establishment movement (fueled by the draft & war along with the united hatred of Nixon), - plus a love for rock music. Of course, by the mid '70s the punks were also pretending to be against the hippies (those who were still left), as even hippies were not cool to them anymore (guess the male punks were just jealous that us hippies got more woman than they ever got, and we had the better music, too). But by the '80s most of the hippies, yippies and punks were all underground and all back together as friends again, as minorities have to get along with each other to survive.

I remember around 1980 or so, my wife was working in this small Colorado Springs bar, and this older, high ranking Air Force guy came in and started to hit on her - even though by just by looking at her one could tell that she was a hippie chick. I was on the other end of the bar from him and he didn't know who I was, and after a few minutes I walked up to him and told him the chick he was hitting on was my wife. He gave me a dirty look and said something along the lines that my kind should not be allowed to marry and if we had kids, that they should be taken away from us. So here was this redneck pig, who didn't even know anything about me or my family (other than that he could see that I was a longhair), and saying all this shit about me and mine. But I kept my cool and we kept talking for awhile. At one point he said to me what a waste it was to think he was defending the country for freaks like me, so I told him he should have some respect for people like me who's tax money went into his paycheck . He then told me that my kind (he meant hippies) didn't even exist any more in the world today. So I told him if that was so, then could he explain what I was doing there talking to him. At that point my wife asked him to leave the bar, he didn't and kept his shit going for a few more minutes, claiming that my wife wasn't a hippie but a biker chick, so with that she walked up to him and poured his half full glass of beer onto his lap and told him "there is your biker chick for ya". He stood up, I stood up and got between him and the old lady, just knowing something bad was about to go down. But he showed what a pussy he was, he said something along the lines about us being lowlifes and then turned around and left. Me, the wife and kids soon move out of that area and back to liberal Telluride after that, as we didn't want to live anywhere near a military town any longer.

But yes, that was how it was not only in the '60s, but even in the '70s and '80s (and no, I'm not gonna bring up the '70s story about me and the redneck in that Nashville restaurant again, either, look it up in the archives) but you know, it wasn't just the war back then that shaped me, it really was the Beatles & the Stones too that did that to me. I guess that is why Mick pisses me off so much these days, back then who ever dreamed that the drug taking, hippie Mick Jagger, would some day, to the horror of his long times fans, would become a fucking Sir! Boy, times have change, but I still haven't.

The read the entire thread, click here:


How loyal are you to Gasland?
by Dano
(April 18, 2004) 

What I mean is do you only post on certain days? Monday thru Fridays? Saturdays and Sundays? From work only? From home only? Both? Mornings/afternoons/evenings/all? Do you spend more time at other Stones message boards? Less time? The same? Do you stop here first? Last? Do you read every message? Only ones of interest? A little from all?

For myself, I'm here Sunday thru Saturday from home only if I'm not busy. Just about anytime of the day except between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. Those are usually my sleepy hours give or take a few hours. I try to read as many threads as possible but there are not enough hours in the day to do it.

This wasn't meant to be a contest as to see who puts in the most hours here but just to see what your loyalty is.

My keyboard is full of breakfast crumbs, Ronnie!

PayPhone Al

Very loyal. I read this board often and post only when I don't get here too late on a thread to add anything of value or if I think I can add to the info being put out there. Which is rare because most posters here know much more then I when it comes to all things Stones.

I check out IORR a couple times a week and go over to Rocks Off once in a while. I go to StoneDougs maybe once a month. All this surfing of course picks up when a tour is in the wind. I have not desire to post on those other boards because of some weird sense of loyalty to this site.

I was going through the bowels of my computer a couple months ago when I was having conflicts. I found a file from the first time I stumbled across this site and was shocked that it took me years to go from a lurker to a poster. But, I lurk more then post even now.

I agree with Starbuck, there are posters here that I read every word they type and others I skim through. Even the posters that get me upset have a special place here.


I post from work when i'm on my prep hours, and i post from home. if i'm online at a family member's house i'll check there too. the dialogue here is quite stimulating most of the time, both stonsical musical and political. i don't read every word in every thread but peruse the topics and the posters who respond to the topics. i too have my favorite posters, though i would probably never reveal who they are. i suspect my faves are the same as most others'.

DL, don't be annoyed with joshie. once you're around long enough you'll realize that the josh esq character is nothing more than a fictitious mouthpiece for our boca buddie. he has said before that he posts the stuff he posts to get reactions out of people.

in real life, he's a non circumcised arab american from queens who sells cars, has every beatles album and absolutely loves my charming sense of humor.


You have a knack Dano of taking questions asked here a zillion times and asking for the answers in a different light, good for you!

Me, lets see, I guess I'm loyal, as this place really is a non-paying job for me, sometimes fun, sometimes a pain in the ass. It's hard to say how many hours a month I put in, except I know that normal cleaning time alone usually takes up about 4 or 5 hours. Not bad when I look back at the old board we used to use, normal clean-up time back then was about 15 hours a month, with another 2 or 3 hours added to that in fixing the cgi problems that came regularly with that board. So it's a lot better today, work wise. We also have a lot less spamming and trolling to clean up here now, thanks to the fact that I can track and ban problem posters. The one thing that has increased a bit is cleaning up off topic flame wars. SDH and The Storm were the old problems, they are gone now, but Josh has taken care of their loss; just last week I had to work overtime editing and deleting a bunch of his posts. As far as keeping an eye out for the place, I usually try to at least take a look at things, if even only for a minute or two, every morning and again late at nite. Sometime on weekends, like this last one, I might not be around, so I can't. I also have a few Gassers who work undercover for me, who let me know through emails what is up and if a spam post needs to be taken care of asap, so thanks to those who do that.

As far as my posting goes, most late nights is when I'm posting, yet of late I've also posted a bunch around midday, too. I enjoy posting, since when I do that (at least most of time) I'm not working, but get to be like everybody else here and have a good time.

Gasland is still a Gas, times 3, Ronnie!


I'm very loyal to this board. Check it from work and at home. I check out IORR about once or twice a week and lurk at RO sometimes, but never posted there. It is a good board though.

At first, I did read everything here, lately I've been avoiding most of the political nsc's, the Wood vs. Taylor saga bores me, so I skip most of it.

Now Joshie makes me laugh as long as he's talking about music.

Sing me a Beatles song, Ronnie!

2000 Man 

This is the only place I really post. I post somewhere else as spridle, but it's not really a Stones board, and I have some stuff to do with the trading groups, so...

Anyway, this is my cyber home, for sure. I can post from work, and I can post from home, and I'm on computers all the time. So this is my break from reality. Work awhile - refresh the battery here, go back to work. Sometimes I just leave the page up as an open window and check it frequently (if work is really hard - then I need to kind of get out of the problem more often). But it only takes a few seconds to look and post. I skip entire threads sometimes, and there are some people I just don't read, but for the most part I really like everyone here, and I'm sure if I met them in person we'd get along great.

Like FPM, I ALWAYS read C10 posts, but I also always read newbie posts. I'm not gonna be a coot or codger, either. Besides, you never know who might be able to turn you on to new tunes. And I have made a lot of very real friends here, and I kinda thought my old man was right when he said you couldn't have too many friends. So that's another reason to read newbie posts.

Topics to ignore - mostly none, but I honestly DO go easy on Led Zeppelin, in deference to a friend here that really likes them, even though she has impeccable musical tastes everywher else! If you think Josh hates the Beatles, he doesn't know what it's like to really, truly despise a band until he uses my brain to listen to Zep!

And because I like this place so much is why I do things like my Treefort Tapes projects. It gets people to meet other people and maybe trade or share with them, which makes the board's personal bonds stronger, and I get a little feedback and get to know what other Stones fans are thinking.


I really only post here, though I'll post at Rocks Off if someone mentions my name, and I think it's relevant.

Since my job involves surfing the Web, I'm online the entire time I'm at work, which means I've got a Gasland browser open pretty much the entire time I'm at work.

Like 2000Man said--you work, take a break here, and it doesn't take that long to read/post, so it's a good breather.

I try not to even look at a computer over the weekend, cause I'm on one so much during the week.

I read every post. This is mainly because I like all the threads to be red, so if someone posts new I can tell very quickly. So, read every thread isn't really true--I at least skim them. Maybe that will change--as like, today, there's way too many new posts since I was last here on Friday, that it would be hard for me to get to them all.

 Fleabit Peanut Monkey

Zack wrote >although my wife scoffs and wonders why I don't correspond more with people I actually know in the flesh. She doesn't get it.

I think you get to know people in a totally different way here at Gasland, but it's every bit as real as "in the flesh". In fact, over time, you get to know people better than you might if you saw them every day. Studying the way people are affected by the Rolling Stones is as valid as studying the bumps on their heads or their handwriting. And sometimes people say things in the privacy of their treefort that they might not elsewhere. I know I do!

>Dano asked: How loyal are you to Gasland?

Gasland is my home and has been from the start. It's the first place I check after my email. I read it every day that I am at my computer - whether I post or not depends on whether I have anything to say and the time to say it. I lag behind in reading threads and sometimes post a response to a thread from last week, as a sort of dialogue with the past. I ALWAYS read posts by C10 brothers first. I gravitate to posts by the Old Guard but am trying hard not to become an Old Coot or, worse, a Old Codger.

I post at Rocks Off and check in there just about every day, too. Gasland and Rocks Off are the yin & yang. Very different yet sisters. The Mary Cate and Ashley of Stones MBs. If I HAD to choose only one MB it would be Gasland, but I'm very glad I don't have to choose.

Politically, Gasland has a more liberal feel to it - which makes me feel more at home. That, and the fact that I've been here since Day One, makes me 100% Loyal To Gasland.

To read the entire thread, click here:


Greetings from a newbie
by KeefSnortingJunkie
(October 21, 2005) 

Hi Everyone, like millions of others, I've been lurking around the gasland for several years now.

I don't know why but it takes me several years (and a chunk of guts) to take the plunge, probably due to being naturally reclusive, some physical and technical difficulties, and not come up the perfect handle. Anyway, this is my first time to join any board in cyberworld, although posting some questions here before the registration was required.

By the way, thanks for all the interesting discussion and insights, nd sometimes hilarious and obnoxious interplay. I hope I can contribute too.

Now, a brief episode of my first Stones encounter as an introduction:

You always remember the first experience. The first Stones song to send an electric shock through my body is JJF (my all-time fav.). I watched the same title movie when I was 12 or 13 and my body felt the something never felt before. Still JJF keeps me under spell and makes me driving too fast (along with Bitch, Starfuckers, RO, etc)

So to find JJF, I purchased my first Stones LP, Hot Rocks, after cruising five biggest record stores in the town. Great choice, you might think. But I didn't have much say in this. My first choice was the tape, constraining by the allowances. But the stores in my town had less than 10 different records (tapes, LPs and CDs all combined). And except imported records (which is out of my budget), only Hot Rocks included JJF.

You might wonder what kinds of the record store or the town had no love for one of the most prolific recording band. The thing is I am from the faraway land across the ocean, in which none of Stones never visited as far as I know, so called Korea. The Stones are never big in my country. The Beatles, Led Zeppelin and Pick Floyd are huuugeee, never the Stones. Unacceptable!!!

Anyway, after listening JJF for 70 times, I was starting to worry that listening the same tracks over and over might have similar impacts like tapes, so I decided to listen other tracks . And the rest is history.

One other thing about my Hot Rocks LP was that I found out that there are some scratches in the song lists in the back covers (after the careful perusal in two year later) . I could smell the foul play. Turns out that the government (the military one in 70's) banned two songs in it– Mother's Little Helper and Street Fight Man.

Long Live Keef

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Not everyone are fanatics like us
by Deuce
(September 18, 2005)

I was thinking...

We (the hardcore stones fans) attend a Stones concert. We get a setlist with a few gems, but mostly well known tunes. Because of this, we start to get frustrated and almost plead to hear a different variety of songs. Then there's the performance aspect. We pick out little things that the band might have done wrong...say, Mick forgot a line in "Beast Of Burden" or "Ron didn't bend the string enough on the She's So Cold solo". Everything from "You could tell Ronnie was out of it" to "Why can't Keith play a decent solo anymore?".

Well, what if some regular guy decides to go to a show...just a casual fan....the one that is going strictly for the 'warhorses' and wouldnt mind hearing a few chestnuts if they play them. Would he even notice these things that we notice? Would he even care? It's The Rolling Stones on stage in 2005. I'm assuming he will have heard alot of the songs he came to hear.

The point of my post is...are we being too critical of the band? They're doing the warhorses...but so what, they are all the bands songs, their good & their timeless and there's a reason for that and on occasion the band will throw a "bonus" or two (or three or four..) into the set to mix things up. Being that we're such fanatics, can't it be kind of hard to judge how good a show actually was? Your such a fan that you come back noticing the wrong things. Now, I can't speak for everybody...but reading all the reviews on all the message boards has lead me to the point of this post. We might say "wow, that wasn't too great of a show"...but to the guy who doesn't post on the message boards, doesnt know Ron Wood didn't play on every song on Black and Blue even though he appears on the album cover, and doesnt know what kind of guitar Keith used to record "Respectable"....was it a good show?

Hey, I saw the band in Detroit on this leg of the tour. Didn't post a review (although maybe I should even though it's a little late) and I loved every minute of it. They are past would you would call their "peak" but it's almost as if they have begun a second peak. The band is truly on fire.

The Rolling Stones...coming to a city near you.


>>We might say "wow, that wasn't too great of a show"...but to the guy who doesn't post on the message boards<<

I hear where you're coming from. I took a quick piss when Keith was playing his two songs and the talk at the urinal was like this-

I didn't know Keith sang any songs (Even a casual fan should know this)

These guy's are really still good (Yes they are)

I tried looking at this as a casual fan. And hell yes, these guy's s can still ROCK! Especially since they took a 8 year break between the '81 and '89 tours, I thought that they would never tour again. I thought that since I didn't attempt to get tickets for one of the three Rosemont, ILL shows in November of 1981, that I had missed the chance of ever seeing them live. So yes, I guess we should be happy that they are still alive, still rocking and hard, still touring and making new albums.

The alternative would suck, Ronnie!

Pavlov’s Dog 

When I was in line the woman next to me, who seemed a little crazy told me she had been seeing the Stones for 30+ years and she was there bacuase she it was their last tour. i asked her why she thought it was their last tour and she said because Bill Wyman had cancer. I didn't have the heart to tell her he quit the band over ten years ago.

Then I see a guy who looked about 50 with a Stones 1972 Tour T-Shirt with his teen age son, so I go up to him and asked him if he saw them on that tour. He said no, this was his 1st, he knew nothing about that tour. So I told him that was one of their best tours ever, supporting their Exile On Main Street Album. His son asked what songs were on the album si I rattled off the songs. He says to his dad " Wow, a Real Stones fan!".

Some people go to concerts to go to concerts. That doesn't mean they know a lot about the band. I've never been much of a concert goer. When I saw Kiss in 1977 I had every album of theirs, knew every song, knew their bios, band history, etc. When I get into a band I usually start buying their albums one after another until I discover I am not really a huge fan or I am and then I get everything. Obviously I have made exceptions, I've got about 5 or 6 Dylan albums but not all and I have come to realize some bands have completely changed their format and thus I only but their early stuff,i.e. ZZ Top, J Geils, Deep Purple, Cheap Trick to name a few but nevertheless I want to understand their music.

I held my piss until the show ended


never piss during the show...some people go because its the thing to do..its the Rolling Stones the last great act from the early 60's...or they got free tickets...a friend just went to n.y. show and went wild...he loved them, the best thing he ever he went out to buy bang...

i love to just see them... and hear them...its the thrill of being with the band live..just get into them..


>>never piss during the show<<

Yes, I try not to but this time I had aisle seats and I really didn't miss much. I could still hear Keith while I was shaking Herman off!

Shaking it more than twice is considered playing with it, Ronnie?


The Stones just keep getting better. I don't know if it is being too critical by pointing out mistakes they made. It is more like we are showing off by knowing how it "should sound"

I have not read a review that has been unfavorable of a Stones' concert on this board. I know I pointed out some mistakes they made in Chicago but I also said twice the show was great.

It is like any other "hobby." We want to be an authority on our subject. In our case it is the Stones. I know I wrote that Keith missed his cue for SFTD but I also said it was amusing. It added to the show by humanizing Keith; he is a fella just like us who can make mistakes. I will remember that moment as one of my favorite Stones memories.

It is like a being with a beautiful woman, we may get mad at her for something she said or silly thing she did but we still are in awe of her beauty over all.

I know I can listen to the Stones with a critical ear just as I look at a piece of writing. Critical can sometimes be analyzing, not putting them down.

I think the all of the Stones shows have been great although I may compare one to another. I may say they played a song better at this or that concert. But I am not being "critical" in the sense of being unfavorable.

I think we are over analyzing Ronnie because we are worried about him.

In conclusion... a lot of our observations of the concerts and new albums may sound unfavorable but we say it because we love them, not finding fault in them. Also it is a way to show we are paying attention to detail and know a piece of work through and through.

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How well the Stones treat the fans
by Pdog
(September 27, 2003)

"I've Go No Expectations"

I don't even expect a tour, never did. Last year the US got one of the best Rolling Stones tours since 1972. I paid between $100.00 and $150.00 a ticket. I went to 4 shows in the bay area where I live and 1 in what could be my future home of Denver.

I saw the band play about 20 songs a night and had great to very good seats every show. Must be my karma.

$150.00 divided by 20 is $7.50. I think $ 7.50 was the price of a ticket way back in 72'. I believe that what I pay for a cup od coffee today is twice what minumum wage was then, i don't know. When I was 13 and saw The Stones the first time I think a days pay at minimum wage about paid for a ticket. That's not important, I don't know how ticket prices have been adjusted and compared to inflation. I can make 150.00 in one day now, so for me at least I'm not digging any financial holes by seeing The Stones.

I felt more than happy to see my favorite band play all these songs for about $7.50 or a little more a song, what a bargain. I was so close, and so happy. This is my favorite band...I was seeing The Rolling Stones.

The fan site, is free... They put up videos clips of songs , picture interviews ect... How cool to give me this for free. All I did was buy a ticket for a show and that's it. Someone called the web site just a t-shirt store. I did buy some stuff from it, but it was pretty cheap. They were having a clearance sale and since I love The Stones, what's wrong with a t-shirt? I have a few Giants and Raiders shirts, my kid wears Elmo shirts... I was a little lost at why it's wrong for a band to sell their shirts. FYI, the T-shirt biz is very lucrative. A close friend of mine is making a killing doing it. This is funding his reitremnet not his band, great foresight.

Every band sells swag and shit and the prices are about the same for shirts at any show I've been to the past few years.

A read alot here about ticket prices and fans feeling ripped off. I felt bad for these fans. Why? I thought it does suck prices may be to high for some people, but I remembered the scene out front of most of the shows and cheap tickets flying around everywhere. I remember giving away a ticket to a woman who obviously couldn't afford one, I still get a rush off remembering watching her face light up. The point, anyone here who actually read what old timers posted, would know that tickets could be bought cheaply and easy. So if you paid too much, you paid it and did so willingly. I go to a few shows a year still. In my lifetime I've seen more shows than I can remember. I suggest everyone do this. It may put things in perspective for you if you feel cheated. Rock and roll is not dead, in fact it's just getting started.

So... The band doesn't need to tour, they are rich and their kids kids are rich... So why do they do it? It's hard work and when you are twice the age plus of the average touring band I'm sure it takes a toll and gets old fast. They did it for us. The fans. The casual and die hard, young and old. They did it so night after night we could hear a few of the greatest songs ever written and performed. They played Stadiums to thousands upon thousands, they played clubs to a thousand. Setlist variety, yes. Unbelievable variety.

I'm grateful, I'm happy. Thanks you guys, Keith, Charlie, Ronnie and the other guy(lol). You didn't have to do it and you did it for me, and a few of my friends. If I never see The Stones again, I'm satisfied. They gave me so much joy and I have lot's of albums and tons of bootlegs to relive and enjoy shows I went too and the ones I didn't.

My one want and hope. That they do tour again, so I can take my son. Hopefully I can get my Dad to join us and share the Worlds Greatest Rock and Roll Band with the guy who played them for me the first time and the guy who showed me the "yeah, yeah, yeah whoo's" in Brown Sugar are timeless.



Agree 100% Pdog. But when i was saving up for tickets, I didn't have a job yet. I was just mowing yards. I remember that $300 took a while. I was workin' and slavin' my life away, while listening to Stones, in the hope to see the Stones. Then the day finally came when I could buy the tickets. With $350 dollars in my wallet, I woke up at 5 in the morning, left with my mom, she dropped me off at a Kroger store in Marion and left me at 6 (she was on her way to Columbus) and I was there for 4 hours before the ticketmaster would open. I listened to Stones of course to help pass the time. Then the lines opened and I had in my possession, two $150 seats. After the ticket bastard charge, I still had some money left, and hours before my dad would pick me up (i still hadn't even bought my driving permit yet) and bought 2 slim jims, a Mountain dew, AC/DC Stiff Upper Lip, and the worst cd I ever had the misfortune of buying, the Bill Wyman Compendium 2 disc set. When it came time to see my Stones, I didn't get any sleep the night before, I was too excited. We listened to Exile on Mainstreet and Sticky Fingers on the way down. Really let the speakers blare out You Gotta Move in the parking lot. We got there early and hung out for a few hours. I bought a crap load of stuff. An Exile on Mainstreet poster, a poster of Mick + Keef + Charlie + Woody, a few posters for my friends, the Keef Patience Please shirt, the Tongue all over Dragonfly shirt, a bandana, and a shirt for a friend. The White Stripes didn't move me. In fact I hated them. But now I've learned to like them. Then the lights dimmed and it was go time.

It all happened so fast that I don't think I even saw any band members on stage when it was dark. I didn't even hear the opening music before the band plays. I heard the crowd, and I heard myself yelling louder than I ever had before. Then the first few notes rang out, it was Start Me Up. Oh, Damn! I remember thinking "I've been waiting for this moment for 13 fucking years!" and I even teared up a little. I knew what each song would be the whole night before they even played it, it was a sixth sense almost. When Keith came up, I yelled so loud. With great volume and sustain, I belted out "KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEITH!" with every breath in my lungs. I swore he might just yell back "BEN!" at one point! I remember right before CYHMK, I knew it would be played and I started screaming and hollering right before the song, in between the songs. When that first chord rang out, I became even more ecstatic! I remember someone asked me durring the b-stage, right durring the Mannish boy intro/warm-up, "Is this Midnight Rambler?" I said "Mannish Boy by Muddy Waters" I would later tell him before the Stones came back for the encore "THIS will be Midnight Rambler"

Then, at the end of the show, after nearly 2 and a half hours of non-ending screaming at full blast, my voice ceased and we headed towards the parking lot. We couldn't believe what we just saw. It took a few minutes to get out of the parking lot, but we hit Center street out of Columbus and no single car other than ours was on that road! everyone went another way. We stopped at a Wendys, I wanted 2 large Cokes (God, I was never more thirsty in my life). We listened to Get Your Leeds Lungs Out and Stripped. I got back home at 2 in the morning, made coffe for the next day (I freeze my coffee, and have iced cappuccinos in the morning) and went to bed. Like I could get any sleep! I arrived at 7:15 for school, after having two sleepless nights and having no voice what so ever. I could barely screech out what I was saying. I strutted my new stuff I had bought and daydreamed about the Stones for the whole week of school and having my voice recover. It was, the greatest night of my life.

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Stories about shows you have missed
by LoveYouLive
(January 22, 2004) 

I am interested in hearing any stories about concerts you missed, but had planned on attending. To be clear, these would be shows that you actually had a chance of attending but missed for whatever reason. I am not really interested in hearing about great shows in the past that you have liked to attended but didn't. We could all list a bunch of those based on our current perceptions of past tours and shows. Some reasons why you may have missed the show or shows:

- Transportation problems - Parent's won't let you go (we were all young once?) - Some other lame conflict... wedding? work? ect? - Freak storm or weather - Stones Canceled - You got sick - You lost your tickets or didn't have enough money at time - You made it to the show but past out from all the pre-concert partying

It could be any number of reasons, but I am interested in hearing about the ones that got away? I started thinking about this as I remember my first show in 1981. I went with my brothers and when my one brother and I went to move upfront when the Stones came on stage, my brother tried to wake up some guy that was past out on the back of the field. Despite the nice gesture on the part of my caring brother, the guy stood up took a swing at him (completely missed) and fell back down & past out again. I am pretty sure this guy ended up missing most if not all of the show that day.

Fortunately, I have never missed a show. However, I do regret not going to a few more shows in some past tours. I am not counting those... so there is nothing worth mentioning specifically.

So Gassers, are there any good stories about the show that you planned on attending but missed?


Here's one kind of like your experience LYL. Folsum Field, Boulder, October 3, 1981. We had GA tickets on the field, so, being the Stones, we went over at about 4 a.m. Get in and set up our spot on the field, start hanging out. About 10 a.m., this guy comes stumbling across the field, wipes out right by us. He is unable to get up, so he sits there semi-comatose for an hour or so. The people next to us set up this Boulder style sandwich spread, sprouts and all, and are making lunch. Suddenly, the loadie wakes up and reaches over and grabs one of their sandwiches. They yell at us to control our friend. We're like, we don't know the dude. Anyway, he goes back into comatose mode until the Stones come out. He gets knocked over in the movement forward. This girl gets all concerned, says she can't hear his heart beat; he's dead. Well, of couse you can't hear his heart cause the Stones are playing 60 ft. away. But you can see him breathing. I finally got a medical dude for him. Not out of some benevolence towards him, I just didn't want him blowing chow on our turf. Never forget the sight of them carying him off in a strecher with Keith in the background. I always thought what a waste. The Stones are playing, and this guy takes himnself out by 10 a.m.

Brainbell Jangler

I was living in Eugene, Oregon. On old friend had returned from a stint in New York. He had been working across the street from where the Stones unleashed their historic back-of-the-truck performance of "Brown Sugar," which he was lucky enough to see. He bought tickets, but returned home to Oregon before the show. Since I was the biggest Stones fan he know, he let me have the tix on the condition that I could get to NYC, but I had no bucks for plane fare and didn't have time to hitchhike cross-country.


Wentto the Palm Beach rock festival in 1969, The Stones were supposed to close the show. I arrived the day before the festival started and set up camp. This festival lasted for three days and the on the last day the temputures dropped drastically. The Stones were supposed to come on at 10:00 pm and close the show. I had been partying non stop for three days and was in pretty bad shape, I had lost all of my clothes except my pants. Ten o'clock comes and no Stones, 11:00 comes and no Stones. Mean while the temp is dropping rapidly and I'm running around with no shirt and no shoes. The MC comes out and assures us that The Stones will be here soon, at this point I can barely feel my feet. 12:00 still no Stones and at one some friends of mine were headed back into West Palm Beach and I was probably on the verge of hypothermia so I took the ride back into town. The Stones finally hit the stage around three or four am. I'm not sure that I would have lasted that long without dire consequences.


Missed Keith and The Wino's because I was broke. Missed the show in Ahoy, Rotterdam last year. Couldn't get tickets and thought: ' can't have em all'. So I didn't go after the tickets on the black market. Woke up the next morning and saw the setlist. If it wasn't for the Vredenburg show that I saw that night, I'd still be grumpy...there's still a voice in my head screaming LOVING CUP, THEY PLAYED IT YOU WEREN'T THERE BECAUSE YOU'RE A LAZY SOD! DAMN YOU TO HELL....and on and on....

Let it Loose